Last Friday my family had the privilege of screening Disney’s Zootopia a few weeks early. We were already on our way to Disneyland and cut our trip short to make it back down to San Diego. From the previews a few months ago, my kids have been dying to see those silly, slow paced sloths! They were so excited to see the silly tale of two unlikely friends immersed in their crazy pursuit! I loved Judy Hopps’ story, small town girl with a big dream. She makes her dream a reality and moves to the big city. I love this message for any child, but for young girls this was a great one! The silly story of Nick Wilde (that sly, sly fox) is one you do not want to miss. My four-year-old did get a little scared at one point but I have to be honest that I even jumped back out of my seat as well. My husband and I could not stop laughing, they really worked in adult humor and sarcasm making it a fun movie for all ages! If you’re a Breaking Bad fan you’ll love the reference, don’t fret though, unless you’ve let your kids watch the show it should fly right over their heads. Don’t miss the animated movie of the year, Disney’s Zootopia hits theaters Friday, March 4th.
Download the fun coloring pages: zootopia-coloring-pages