It’s no secret that I love Halloween. Whenever a holiday rolls around I love sending and secretly dropping off cards and a little treat to the children in our lives. Over the weekend I was baking breast cancer awareness ribbons for The Dailey Method donation class and had some leftover dough. I decided it would be cute to bake mini pumpkins for our tricksters. Now, I am not a professional cookie baker. I have tried a few recipes and finally found the best one that works for me, it’s simple to put together and there is no chilling. Like any new recipe you should clearly read all the directions and make sure you have everything on hand. I first made this recipe for Brayden’s mushroom cookies seen here. I probably spent a good hour reading the adventures of sugarbelle blog to ensure I was knowledgeable on the recipe and technique. I cannot urge you to this before beginning. If you want to impress your friends and family with gorgeously iced cookies with a great tasting cookie to boot you must try this recipe.
When I bake I tend to do so in the middle of the night. It’s quiet and I don’t have a certain toddler begging to taste something. My baking time is my zen time. I love perfecting something and with these cookies I think I’ve finally gotten it. I am looking forward to my Christmastime baking, I will finally be able to gift pretty cookies!
Here is how I created my mini pumpkins (ignore that these cell phone pictures, it was nearly 2 am).
Do you do something special for Halloween? If so, what is it?
Once again…you are insanely talented.
I love Halloween too! Today, I am a Unicorn!