Yes, I am a day late and a dollar short. I feel like this week sped on by, I truly thought today was Wednesday. I guess it just shows we’re super busy over here! After last week I took one more class at The Dailey Method and then took what was planned to only be Friday and Saturday off but after the wig pub crawl I was still feeling sick so I skipped Sunday. I wasn’t happy about only making it three times last week but I am making up for it this week by taking five consecutive classes. I have completed three days and am a good sore. As Michelle said this morning, “at least you’re coming back with a smile”. I feel like getting there is always the hardest, I am so motivated to get there and once we start back dancing I know that hour class was worth it. My 30-day challenge is nearing the end, I have taken ten classes and my goal was sixteen, I can easily do this by next weekend! The owner, Stephanie, says you can noticeably see a difference after twelve classes and I started to see small changes last week. However, this week both Jim and I both noticed that my waist is curving in, something I have never had. I have always been stick straight until my hips and now I have some subtle curves. When I look into the mirror while doing many of the barre exercises I can see the skinnier me emerging. I usually tell that old me, hello and that it’s nice to see you again. Hey, if mentally engaging with myself keeps me motivated while doing thigh work I am okay with that!
Each day brings a new challenge. One day I might be super flexible and the next I am so tight that walking hurts. This is why I love The Dailey Method, I am working at my own pace and I make modifications that work for me. So what if I can’t hold both legs up to my nose while doing flat back on the wall, I make one chattery leg get half way there and I am satisfied. I am also down another pound this week! Slow, steady and healthy weight loss!
Next week is an exciting week for The Dailey Method! The one-year anniversary is next Saturday so I urge those in the San Diego area to take one of many free classes with free childcare on both Friday and Saturday to see what it’s all about! If you end up loving it, which I know you will, I then recommend that you start October 1st on the Fall 30-day challenge. The cost is $175 for non-members and includes many incentives like your chance at $100 Dailey dollars. The challenge also includes a daily meal plan. What’s a better way to kick-off Fall looking leaner, feeling stronger and being more fit? I can’t think of any, because my promise to myself last Winter was to never be fat again in a frumpy sweater. Look for a more detailed post about the anniversary event this coming week.
Cute bodysuit; looking good, girl! Keep it up!!
Your hair is getting long!
I wish there was a TDM in my area! I would love to try it.
You look amazing, Melissa! You always have. ^_^