I left BlogHer’12 a lot differently than last year. I was pumped when I left San Diego, I felt on top of the world, I had met so many great women and the sessions inspired me. This year was just different, I knew a little more heading into the conference and watching the swag hungry women left a sour taste in my mouth. I did get to meet many of my bloggy buddies in real life, weird to some but amazing to a faithful follower. Kelly from live.laugh.rowe. and I were waving to one another after the first five minutes of me being there as I got off the elevator and she heading up, this created an excited tone and anticipation for what was to come. The sessions were way too packed, like a claustrophobs worst nightmare. I only had three sessions marked on my calender and I left them early. Lunchtime was a mess, but the amazing speakers left me unable to eat anyhow. . .um, hello? President Obama, Martha Stewart and Katie Couric can leave one inspired, in awe and fully unable to concentrate on anything other than what they were speaking about. I made connections with some great brands, that was when they were willing to speak with me. You have to expect that being in New York you will encounter rude people but when they are supposed to be selling a brand one might think they wouldn’t ignore you for minutes at a time while blankly staring at the product sitting on a table. The parties were great, Hasbro seriously knows how to throw a party, toasting to a My Little Pony wedding as we entered was amazing. Wow, as if that all just sounded bad? It was a great trip, I just think BlogHer needs to work on a few things after this year, the venue just needs to be able to accommodate the roughly 5,000 bloggers that were in attendance.
I had a great time with my girlfriends, remember, this conference was an excuse for a girls trip! We had many memorable meals, fun at the parties, tears shed in the ballroom, strolls in the park, forty blocks of constant change, a near death cab experience (hold on lady!), a quattro formaggi Neapolitan pizza served by Lady Gaga’s doppelgänger at Pizza Arte, sweet peach sangria and tapas and many, many other stories to be shared.
I originally wanted to post the good, the bad & the ugly but I figured I’d just share my entire Facebook photo album of the trip. Until next year, BlogHer, until next year. . .
Thanks for sharing—I love reading everyone’s feedback about Blogher as we didn’t make it this year—but trying to decide if it is worth the trip for next year, what do you think?!?!
Hey! It was so nice to meet you at BlogHer and sit together during Martha {although we didn’t really get to talk much}. 🙂 I agree it was WAYYYYY too crowded! PS – I think our babies have the same birthday! My son was born 12-18-09!