For the first seven months of this year I spent a lot of nights as a single mommy. Jim was traveling a lot! If he was home it was for the weekend or a week max and then he was off again for somewhere like Florida, Tennessee, or D.C.. In the past two weeks UPS put out a traveling freeze, a good thing for me but I was looking forward to more single nights to spend with my friend Janelle. If you remember, she is spending the next seven months as a single mom as Nelson is away saving the lives of wounded soldiers. I am happy we finally got our babes together after one month of his deployment.
Let’s just say it’s a cluster! I yell at Payton over-and-over for going bat shit crazy because she gets to see her best friend, they don’t eat their dinners, they fight like an old married couple and we get to chit chat while scarfing down dinner and our last chance at caffeine. I do love this time and I know we will look back at this time and laugh, especially that the wee ones took a bath, bottoms in each other’s face as they reach for foofa or plex. They cap the night off with a hug, a kiss on the cheek, er, mouth and even matching lightening McQueen bandaids and we pray they sleep well. While it can be lonely not having a husband coming home at night it’s always nice to know you have a great friend a short distance down the freeway to spend single nights with you.
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so fun going through the havoc with you. this morning charlie asked if P could sleep over. sharing beds? oh lord.