Top 2 Tuesday: Things you’ve learned about friendship
From Fit for Excellence
Top 2 Tuesday: Healthy Recipes & Snacking
I am a huge foodie, which many already know, but I would not consider all of my dishes to be 100% healthy. I will not skimp on butter, well, maybe a little, but like my Dad butter has to make it’s way into every dish. You might be laughing or about to click the ‘x’ to close my page but I promise that I do cook healthy dinners for my family. There will be an occasional evening where we go around the corner to our fav Mexican restaurant and die of a cheese overload but usually our fridge is stocked with yumminess! My hubby could eat veggies until he turns green in the face so for the most part I cook with a lot of veggies and tend to mask some of their flavors when I indulge. Two of my staples are:
1. Butternut Squash: Anything! I could eat this until I am orange and I always come up with new recipes to incorporate this yummy gourd! Some of my favs include: Giada De Laurentiis’ Butternut Squash lasagna but for a healthier alternative I make this recipe found here. I made Giada’s for my parent’s 40th and it was a hit but unfortunately it hits your waistline as well. For mommy’s with picky eaters either recipe will sneak in some veggie goodness, or, better yet for my single ladies it’s a great entertaining meal.
Some of my other fav recipes
- pumpkin Ravi’s with Gorgonzola cream
- butternut squash tortellini
- yumpkin pasta
- my veggie lasagna
- baked roasted veggie penne
Top 2 Tuesday: Spring Outfits
Top 2 Tuesday: Strange Addictions

Sadly, I have way more than two addictions. Most are daily addictions like checking FB right away (totally trying to stop that), checking my daily blog list or that I start twitching if I don’t have my venti iced Starbucks double shot. . .okay, maybe not literally but, you get it! My strangest addictions are:
1. Putting chapstick (preferably carmex original or chapstick original) on right after I do my make-up, before I get in bed and probably fifteen other times throughout the day. If I know I don’t have one of my eight tubes on me I will lick my lips until they bleed (okay, maybe not that far). I am totally addicted to wearing chapstick. Even when I put on lipgloss I prep my lips with some petroleum before lustering them up. I know many others share this same “addiction”.
2. Snickers. This is more of a guilty pleasure and I usually will only have one every other month. Since I was a kid I have always eaten around each layer. I love to savor each layer of yumminess, weird? I do the same with Reese’s too! I will eat the chocolate off and then I go for the caramel and peanut layer and then enjoy the last sinful layer of nougat. So good! Everytime I enjoy a piece of candy Jim always looks at me and laughs. He always assumes after the eleven years of knowing him that I would change my ways. . .I don’t think so babe! It just doesn’t taste the same when you throw the whole thing in your mouth. Damn! I wish I had a mini Snickers on me now. Luckily, I have my daily espresso intake to curb my craving. . . gulp!
What are your strange addictions?