- 15 pounds 2 ounces – 15th percentile. still my peanut.
- 29 3/4 inches – 70th percentile, long & lean.
- size three diapers
- 9 month clothing for length, 6 months for your little waist.
- we’re going through a two pound tub of formula each week. i don’t understand how you don’t weigh more.
- apples, pears, peaches, bananas, peas, green beans, yams, sweet potatoes, carrots, rice and oatmeal.
a letter To Brayden – 4 Months
- 13 pounds 5.3 ounces – 27th percentile. my little peanut!
- 28 inches – 65th percentile
- size 2 diapers
- 3-6 month clothing
- talking up a storm. getting the ‘d’ sounds out, why does dada always have to be the first word. i am praying that you get mama out first. 🙂
- you are eating rice cereal now that your stitches have dissolved in your mouth. your pedi says your mouth is still really swollen inside. we also think you are teething.
- you love the swing more than anything. worried about transitioning you to your crib this month because you don’t like sleeping without movement.
- you have been eyeing your feet and finally figured out how to get to them.
- you love looking at the lights from the tv. you laid on your mat watching basketball intently a few weeks ago.
- your hair is really coming in now. it gets really greasy fast because you sweat a lot so it looks dark and like you have a mohawk but when you see it after bath time it is really light and fluffy (as your sister describes it).
sister love: payton truly adores you. if you are crying she asks me to sing twinkle, twinkle. now that she has fully learned the song, she just starts to sing it if you are fussy. if she feels you need your pacifier she will bring it to you and put it in your mouth. she loves picking out your clothes and while shopping a few days ago told me what you love. when we first saw your lip without the stitches and glue she stopped, put her hand to her mouth and gasped, mommy, buddy’s lip perfect. awwweee! he’s so cute! i think it’s safe to say little boy that your sister loves you BIG! i can only hope that this will never change.
happy 2nd birthday, sweet p

Oh, my sweet little Payton, today you turned two. It is absolutely insane to say out loud that you are officially a two-year-old. While I still look at you like my little baby girl you are anything but a baby. You have blossomed into a little girl who has an opinion (a pretty heavy one already), we can converse and hold a little conversation. Though typically when you get annoyed with your mommy and daddy you just keep giving us the “no” statements but as of last week you started “stop it” when we try to sing or you plain just don’t like what we have to say. You have also taken on Cartman “whateva” replies. When you aren’t giving us a funny negative statement we can find you exclaiming, “awesome, I love it” for just about anything these days. You love giving us major squeezes and we find you coming up to us several times a day with a cutesy chagrin saying, “hug. puhhlease” and following it up with a “I love you mommy or daddy”. You have a kind heart and you love your little brother to pieces. You are so worried about him if he starts to cry, if you are at the dining room table and he is in his swing crying you yell out, “baby, okay?!?!?. . .coming!” You are a goofball and know you are funny. You love to color, play with blocks, trucks and trains. You have to watch Wonder Pets before nap time and bedtime but Little Einsteins is still your fav. You recognize about everything now and know what it is by name. You love singing along to your many shows and you love to wiggle-wiggle, wiggle-wiggle (yeah) along to mommy’s music. You love swinging from structures, jumping off steps and free falling. You’re still our daredevil. Earlier this week we had your two-year well baby checkup. Dr. Martinez always love seeing you and was surprised to hear about everything you are doing. Of course, we couldn’t be any happier to know that we aren’t doing that bad of a job raising you despite a few curse words that have slipped out of your mouth as of late. You bring such joy to our lives and we love watching you grow everyday. Happy Birthday, Sweet P!
Two Year Stats:
3′ .417″ Feet – no percentage, officially off of the charts.
28 pounds 10.6 ounces – 75th percentile, long and lean
Size 7.5/8 shoe
Size 5 diapers – hopefully we won’t get to size 6
Hand/Eye coordination is advanced according to your Pedi, says you are going to be a great athlete.
You can count from 1-12 in English & 1-3 in Spanish
Know all your animals and their sounds
Know all your colors
Can sing along with the ABC’s
Understand emotions
Understand the possessive “I”, “me” and “mine”
Has gotten into the “why?” stage
Shows interest in the potty but not pushing it until you are fully ready
Knows right from left, big from small and short and tall
I know there is a ton more and will think of it once I hit the orange button. Happy Birthday little girl, there isn’t a day you do not amaze us.
pictures to come from your birthday tomorrow. . .
I cannot believe Payton hit the fifteen month mark on Friday. She is learning so much everyday and I always wish I wrote everything down as soon as she does something instead of waiting and recollecting the past three months of growth. This stage is by far my favorite, she truly is a mini human, and a mini me! Yesterday my parents and Jim took her to her well-baby appointment, sadly, it was the first appointment I have missed since her arrival. I was worrying the entire time and I wanted my updates. I look forward to these visits to see how she is progressing, we know what she is up to but it is always nice to hear how she is doing compared to children on a national level. We love our Pedi, Dr. Martinez, she has gushed over Payton since she was four days old and is always shocked when we bring her in. Yesterday she told Jim that our sweet little girl is very advanced for her age, she was shocked by how much she understands and how well she communicates with us. We haven’t taught her sign language, I have considered getting the video but for now we have taught her “more” and “all done” which she picked up after one try. I don’t want to concentrate solely on signing because she repeats and uses words so I know if we just keep repeating everyday words she will get it soon. Her favorite word these days is “this”. She says it for everything! She will point and keep saying “this” until we get what she really wants. She loves playing peek-a-boo, reading books, the Little Einsteins (it’s the only show she stops everything for and tries singing along at the beginning), blowing kisses, closing doors (all to get a huge high-five), and finally putting her toys away after taking them all out. Her favorite activity is climbing up the slides at all of the local parks and swinging as high as the baby swings can go. When she hears or sees an airplane she stops everything, starts shaking and excitedly says, “oooooohhhhhhhh!” She has also shown us her mechanical side by finding little buttons and switches on every toy. I am a little worried that she has daddy’s mild OCD as she neatly stacks everything or makes sure that everything is lined up in a row. She has also learned how to really throw objects both frontward and backward, she has an arm on her folks! Everyday brings something new and we are loving every.single.minute!
Stats and other info:
– Head: 18 1/2″ 90th percentile
– Height: 32 1/2″ tall, 95th percentile
– Weight: 24.32 pounds, 75th percentile. LONG & LEAN!
– Words: dizzy, lilah (for Delilah), da-da (this doubles for daddy and doggie), ma-ma, duck, ooce (juice), hi, necklace, fish, ball and bye
– She loves veggies more than fruit. She will only really eat fruit if it’s pureed, like the little squeeze pouches, or if it’s a banana which she will eat the entire thing or in yogurt. She is her daddy’s girl! She hasn’t refused a veggie yet. She will eat broccoli over anything.
– She loves turkey, chicken, garden burgers, Spanish rice, black beans. mommy’s buckwheat pancakes with a thin spread of Nutella, and quesadillas ( and a french fry or two!)
– She looks for birds while were out and points when she spots one.
– When it’s bath time she runs to the tub, when it’s dirty diaper time she runs to her room and when it’s time for bye-bye she runs to the front door.
– She has all of her teeth except for her eye teeth that are starting to come through.