it’s that time of week where we drop the pants and throw the shirt to the side. no! i am not talking about a soap scene with your significant other! it’s time to see how much weight we’ve shed.
did you do okay?
did you stick to your plan?
i sure know i have except for a few itty bitty bites of P’s mac ‘n cheese and maybe a bite or two of an oreo mcflurry. i have had a few moments where i was done mentally and to the point physically where i felt i could not consume another bite of chicken or yogurt. i have realized in the past week that we as a family do not consume that much meat, we tend to get our protein from beans. after my second spin class i came out wanting a bean & cheese burrito but instead i went home and ate a chicken breast. boring, but it’s working. let’s see my numbers.
again, if you want to get into the action, copy the the weigh-in wednesday button and link-up!