it’s a weekly thang {weigh-in wednesday}
again, late. my sweet baby boy had his cleft surgery repair yesterday so i did weigh-in prior to leaving for the hospital i just didn’t get a chance to post until, well, now! it’s short and sweet this week folks.

conversation heart wreath
here’s what you need:
1 styrofoam wreath – $2.99
2 bags of conversation hearts – $3 for 2
1 spool of ribbon – $2.50
10-15 sticks of hot glue (this is what surprised me the most!)
line your workspace with newspaper. turn on your hot glue gun. once the glue is nice and hot make a line of glue and start sticking away. you can start a pattern but it gets tricky, just think of good ‘ole tetris while laying the hearts in the glue. when all the hearts are adhered to the wreath take a piece of ribbon around the wreath and tie a few knots and then a bow. voila! you now have a conversation heart wreath!
UPDATE: I have now stored this wreath for two years. No issues. I have only lost a few hearts which is easily fixable. Hope you have made one!
shouting out
about my etsy shop, evi luna boutique. i know, i know. total attention whore but honestly, a girl’s gotta do, what a girl’s gotta do. I am offering buy two bow sets get a set of spring boutique bows free. that’s six bows for the price of four.
last day to order for valentines day delivery is february 6th.
if you are looking for something in particular message me, i would love to make a custom piece for you.
you bedazzled your key?
well, that’s what my hubby said and then laughed at me when i showed him my new sparkly house key. i can never find my house key amidst the other four or five, i don’t even know what one of them goes to. i have two house keys because while we were out of our house one of the contractors busted our top lock so we had to replace our front door lock system making it different than our back door and side garage door. so, my new sparkly key matches perfectly with my other sd chargers house key my mom had made. it’s funny that my key to parents house is a pink jeweled princess key. ha ha. i also have my old la fitness barcode scanner on there, don’t know why i haven’t taken it off after a year of being with 24-hour fitness. i also have my good ‘ole albertsons reward card and my coach key chain which i bought like six or seven years ago. it always housed a japanese coin hubby brought back from japan to bring me good luck. it fell out last year. maybe that’s why our 2011 was so rocky? who knows. i should probably part with it or wash it. ha!
here’s what i did:
you’re going to need some: modge podge, a paint brush, glitter (i love the martha stewart fine pretty colored glitters but this .99 cent tube fit my budget), clear nail polish and a key.
take your brush and dip it into the modge podge and put a good coat on one side of your key.
dump glitter onto the glued key.
shake off the excess. let dry for a few minutes and repeat with the backside.
it already looks so puurrrty.
once both side are glittered up take your clear nail polish and paint a few coats onto each side to ensure the glitter won’t come off.
let the key dry and place it back onto your key ring. i have to say i do love my sparkly key. it also makes it easy to find the key in the dark because i can now feel which key is my house key and it sparkles with the light of the moon.
dude. why does my thumb looks so fat!?
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