- 13 pounds 5.3 ounces – 27th percentile. my little peanut!
- 28 inches – 65th percentile
- size 2 diapers
- 3-6 month clothing
- talking up a storm. getting the ‘d’ sounds out, why does dada always have to be the first word. i am praying that you get mama out first. 🙂
- you are eating rice cereal now that your stitches have dissolved in your mouth. your pedi says your mouth is still really swollen inside. we also think you are teething.
- you love the swing more than anything. worried about transitioning you to your crib this month because you don’t like sleeping without movement.
- you have been eyeing your feet and finally figured out how to get to them.
- you love looking at the lights from the tv. you laid on your mat watching basketball intently a few weeks ago.
- your hair is really coming in now. it gets really greasy fast because you sweat a lot so it looks dark and like you have a mohawk but when you see it after bath time it is really light and fluffy (as your sister describes it).
sister love: payton truly adores you. if you are crying she asks me to sing twinkle, twinkle. now that she has fully learned the song, she just starts to sing it if you are fussy. if she feels you need your pacifier she will bring it to you and put it in your mouth. she loves picking out your clothes and while shopping a few days ago told me what you love. when we first saw your lip without the stitches and glue she stopped, put her hand to her mouth and gasped, mommy, buddy’s lip perfect. awwweee! he’s so cute! i think it’s safe to say little boy that your sister loves you BIG! i can only hope that this will never change.