so i realized that i never posted last week. no biggie, you didn’t miss much. i went up 0.6 oz, which honestly is nothing in the grand scheme of things and it was my first gain. this week i have dealt with more battles, not with my weight but with my body. a few weeks ago i jogged that 5k and was supposed to be doing another one this sunday but last thursday when i went to go run at the gym my knees put a halt to the 5k. i still managed to run for twenty minutes that night paired with my leg workout. i could barely walk on friday while out with the family. saturday morning i slept through my 5 am alarm for spin so i headed out to the gym to run instead. i made it three minutes and i was almost balling. intense pain. i laid low for sunday even though i wanted to go to spin. monday i was limping like an old lady but managed to make it to spin and i made it through the entire sixty minutes plus another leg workout. after thirty i could feel the pain coming back so i backed off the resistance. my knees felt better yesterday but i am very weary of running. maybe it was too soon or maybe my knees are just healing from my bad fall. who knows. i think it’s just an f-you sign from my body letting me i will be thirty in three months. sorry body you will not win this battle. i am strong and will kick you in the. . .