My weight loss journey has been something I am proud to tell people, I mean to lose (and maintain) a thirty-five pound weight loss is amazing. I feel as if it consumes me on some days especially when I am at work. I hear a lot of “wow! you look great for having two kids” and honestly the employees see what I am posting on instagram and help me stick to the diet plan I am currently on by reminding me to stay focused. There are days where I know I can do better but then I am reminded how far I have come in a year. Jim says this is the happiest he has seen me in years and that my confidence level is at an all-time high, I smile and of course know that he’s right because I see it. I am excited again to try on bathing suits or even go bra shopping. I don’t mind the stretch marks that I got from being chubby vs from being pregnant. It has been a battle for the past four years and I am more than proud of where I am today. Since beginning The Dailey Method last April I have gained a confidence level that I never had. Of course I have days where I don’t think I can make it through another tuck and hold but then I get through it and feel so accomplished. I think that’s just it, I have been accomplishing these goals with each class I attend and it has made me a stronger person through it all. Just about two weeks ago I began the 60-day challenge that will go right up until my 31st birthday. The first week I don’t think I was mentally on board, but this week I have gone full throttle with following the meal plan and ensuring I get to at least four classes per week. While I would love to attend more classes I believe that four to five classes is ideal with my schedule right now. The meal plan is plant based and if you follow me on instagram you’ve seen all of the yummy dishes that I’ve been preparing. Jim asked me earlier this week where his wife was and has been laughing that it must be that I am in my thirties now because ten years ago I wouldn’t have eaten this way. The great thing is, is that I am loving it and have began craving vegetables right when I wake-up. I even went four days without realizing I hadn’t had coffee because I was replacing my morning coffee with a green smoothie! I am so determined to lose these last stubborn five pounds that it is driving me crazy. I cleaned out my closet earlier this week to finally let go of that old me, I figured it was the second step of getting where I want to be. I am so excited and determined for these next six weeks of the challenge. I will be sharing some new before/after pics on Monday. Thanks to all for all the support & love over the last year.
You should be proud! You’ve done amazing and those last 5 pounds have nothing on you when you are motivated and determined. Keep it up, even when you don’t want to 🙂
Oh, and yay for plant-based meals!
You are awesome! 🙂 Keep up the good work and I know those last 5 pesky pounds will come off for you!