This past week I have been recovering from BlogHer and the humid, east coast weather that followed me home. It has so been so darn humid, I can totally deal with the dry heat but adding in the humidity makes me hide indoors all day. Yesterday it hit 100 degrees at our house paired with 70% humidity so we attempted San Diego’s Seaport Village to enjoy cool breezes. We were sadly greeted with 94 degrees and a slap in your face warm sticky breeze. Everyone had a meltdown and soon we were back into our air conditioner. I guess Summer has officially arrived! 😉
i am linking up with what makes savanah smile and a night owl blog.
make sure to follow me via instagram, I am a total over sharer.
While I was in NYC our little girl became a confident swimmer. She no longer hovers over the stairs, this girl is going to the deep end by doggy paddling, jumping, splashing and climbing onto pool toys.
I also came home to Brayden’s head shaved. I wasn’t too happy but looking at him now just makes me smile and um, hello? Total ladies man already. Both kids have been dealing with a cough so we took advantage of Jamba Juice’s happy hour and when the line was too long on Friday she got a special treat from Coffee Bean. Friday evening I dealt with the heat and knocked out all the baking for my wedding order.
While in Seaport Village we watched the pirate ship cruise by, the kites flying high and two hilarious non-mom inspired poses. She cracks me up. Look at her pose! We’re so in trouble.
When she made this pose I felt like a pageant mom. Like, seriously, what have I done to my child? The funny thing was she was swaying her hips back and forth and then the hand!? Oh goodness.
Great pictures! Thanks for linking up with Savanah and I!