i am late posting this, i usually get it all ready sunday night but last night after creating my collages i couldn’t see straight. we had a busy yet very fun-filled weekend. i just love weekends like those but i always need a day to recover, which i did not get today. we were up fairly early to drop jim off at the airport. he was home all of two days before he left us again for manhattan…kansas. luckily, this trip is a quickie and we will be picking him up late tomorrow evening. like every week they are jam packed. here’s how last week went through photos.
i am on instagram now, follow me! @melly_atkinson – just like my twitter account.
from top left to right
* i ran my third 5k on saturday in like 30 mph winds. it sucked. i was so amped, like couldn’t sleep the night before because i was so excited. but the wind beat me. this was the first time running where it wasn’t fun, in more ways than one.
* brayden while running errands. this kid is always happy. also, my first insta pic! i love his natural faux hawk!
* my mom came down friday to help watch the kids saturday morning. i made her dinner friday night and then after the race we took her to claim jumper to celebrate her birthday. i truly do have the best mother and friend a girl could ask for.
* on sunday we went to the avocado festival in fallbrook. my old boss, robert, has a new venture mcgee’s tavern & grill. they bought it and are currently re-vamping it. the place had to be the busiest on the block. live music, ahh-mazing mac & cheese with shredded corned beef (like dreaming of it today it was so good) and a refreshing snakebite to get the day started off right. the mac & cheese was payton’s, i had a fish taco and a corned beef taco.
* payton eating homemade chocolate ice cream at bernado’s. her first impromptu fine dining experience. more and that fiasco later.
* at the park before the last winter storm blew on by.
* sunday night. i was beat, my hair all afro’d, dark circles and sassy that the hubby was leaving us again. sigh.
* brayden sleeping on my chest at the tavern. the music was so loud and he was out.
* my oldest friend, maggie, welcomed her second daughter on sunday. here she is 13 hours old. she decided she wanted to share her daddy’s birthday and my mom’s too!
I can’t believe he slept at such a loud place. Does he sleep that well at night?
Happy Monday!
Another 5k!? Way to go! Yeah, I’d rather run in the rain or snow than in the wind. But good job, girl!
You’re so pretty. Even when you make those faces 😉
I love the sassy photo of you, Melissa! ^_^ Your kiddos are so darn cute and getting cuter as they grow up!
What great pictures!!!
i’m laughing at the water filled wine glasses behind payton. charlie would’ve acted a fool in that place.
What a great idea to sum your week up through phone photos! I may have to try this idea! 🙂
Danielle @ Healing the Heaviness
I did a similar post on Monday, had no idea there was a link up for this! yay, I’m totally joining next week 🙂
Beautiful pictures! Love baby pictures!