if you are my friend on fb then you have heard me whine about being a “single mom” this week. well, it’s not just this week it’s just about every week or every other week that the hubster has to travel to a university across the country. you might be asking, what does the hubby do? well, he has worked for mbe, a ups company, since graduating college in 2005. he has worked in several different departments: international sales, domestic sales, industrial engineering and most recently (last year) back to sales focusing on university sales. he gets to see some amazing campuses but that means he is leaving the three of us behind. during the day it is no big deal but the time 5:30 rolls around mama is looking for a break. i.e. go to the gym, do some grocery shopping, sit in my car with silence, okay maybe i don’t do that but when you are home alone all you want is some damn quiet time in the evening. i love my children more than anything but if a nap gets skipped, or you decide to brave the mall alone and a temper tantrum happens and hearing whining all.the.time, not that my children would misbehave in public or anything. it just makes you just want to put yourself on a time out, which by the way, i just started doing. i tried it last week with payton and it worked. we will see how tonight goes, we just dropped hubby off at the airport for his second trip this week, he was home for all of eight hours before he went to work but decided to come home to see us and have us drive him instead of not seeing us, especially since p woke-up asking where he was. it’s never easy on any us.
do you or your significant other travel? how do you deal with the traveling?
My husband doesn’t travel, but he works a full-time night job and farms on the side (and the best part is that he helps out on his dad’s farm in preparation for his own farm someday which means that instead of making money, we’re spending tens of thousands on farm equipment. Yay.) Because of Hubby’s demanding schedule, I’m basically a single mom. I do everything by myself all the time. And it’s hard, but it’s all I’ve ever known. If I have something going on, no matter what time of day it is, I know I’m going to have to either take the kids along or get a babysitter because it’s out of the question for Hubby to watch them. Somedays, I think it would actually be easier to be a single mom because that would be one less person to take care of, one less person to make a mess before he heads out the door again, and one less person’s laundry (and with the farm, there’s a LOT of laundry).
Luckily Joseph has only had to travel twice since we’ve had kids. And I relished having the whole bed to myself (kinda… if you don’t include the kids). I don’t know how you do it, mama! I’d go crazy w/o a break at night. I’m sure others can pipe in with better words of wisdom and advice.
As you know, Cliff’s hours are all over the place. Graison and I go every Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday without seeing him. You would think by now I would be OK or used to it, but its still hard. Every Wed morning I wake up in a bad mood because I know what is to come. We have our routine that we do every day so that has helped. I guess all I can say is hang in there. Not much help (sorry!).