i’m linking up with aunie sauce‘s thursday 13.
13 things i wish or pray for lately on a daily basis:
1. for my house to clean itself. sadly, all my praying hasn’t made this happen yet.
2. for the time change to stop making everyone act all wacky. two days of the kids waking up at 8:04 on the dot then this morning 7:14.
3. that nap time doesn’t have to be a battle. i love days where she agrees to lay down but most days it takes me coercing her to lay down. yesterday i gave up and said it’s quiet time, she watched a movie in her room and then a tornado whipped through there.
4. to have my bed to myself (and the hubby of course). this has been an on-going battle. lord help me.
5. that 30 days speed on by and that we get great news regarding our new potential house.
6. for my cupcake biz to stay steady on the weekends, it’s keeping me occupied while i am not working.
7. for san diego weather to make up it’s mind. 90 degrees one day, 61 the next.
8. that my old jeans would just miraculously fit. bought a pair two weeks ago, the next day they decided to fall off, now resulting in zero pairs of jeans that fit.
9. that tory burch “miller” sandals would show up on my doorstep, hubby if you’re reading this, tan with gold, okay, thanks.
10. that wearing a bra wouldn’t be so much damn work. bought a new bra last weekend and i am annoyed. thought it was just VS bras but apparently my body just approves of sports bras now. fml.
11. looking onto my bar that i just de-cluttered yesterday is now cluttered again, how does this happen? i need a clutter fairy to help me in this small house with toddler/baby toys and my hobbies.
12. i hope that the rain isn’t too bad this weekend so we can start our garage project and organize stuff for our garage sale that we’ve (i) been discussing for two years.
13. dinner would just make itself, and my body could go run without me having to get up. gosh. i sound lazy today.
and because i am feeling overzealous here’s an easy weeknight bbq chicken pizza recipe.
barbeque chicken pizza
tastes like cpk, it’s quicker and your wallet will be happier! it cost us less than $5
here’s what you need:
pizza crust – (i originally had a refrigerator crust from traders but it sat too long in there so i resorted to a quick boboli whole wheat crust)
bbq sauce – use as much as you like, i used about 1/3 cup
mexican shredded cheese
thinly sliced red onion
one rotisserie chicken breast, cubed
2 TB cilantro, minced.
here’s how:
preheat your oven to 450 degrees. spread the bbq sauce evenly onto the crust. next place the chicken, onion and cheese onto the sauce. place directly onto the oven rack and bake for 10-12 minutes. top with cilantro and enjoy! i served this alongside our fav mixed salad. a quick and easy weeknight meal.
That pizza looks amazing! I’m definitely trying this! 🙂
Ha! Your prayers are so honest and refreshing. I always love when bloggers are down to earth about the every day things that need to get done.
Oh my gosh, that pizza looks so delicious!! I think I may have just drooled a little :p
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