okay, i know this is a family blog but i just have to talk about this past wednesday’s south park episode. the hubby is a mister know-every-episode kind of guy, i watch because they are usually funny. neither of us had actually seen an episode in awhile so last night we caught up on the dvr. we were dying laughing over the tsa (toilet safety administration) because it was like they modeled them after every philly airport employee. today we just kept interjecting into any conversation, “shhhiitttt”. get to the 4:08 mark and you’ll know what i am talking about. i know i am child. it was a good laugh and exactly what we needed.
to know how dorky we are, we all have a character that best represents us with our friends trav and suz. hubby is “jimmaayyy” and we always die laughing because jim got his braces at twenty-two, while on a trip to magic mountain suz blurted out, “don’t your teeth have to be somewhat straight for an invisiline?!” then “jimmaayyy’s” character was born on south park. trav is the “they took aarrrr jobs” guy. suz is shelly. and me? hmmm.. welcome to raisins. i know we’re weird.
here are a few of the funnier clips from the episode.
are you or your hubby south park fans? simpsons? family guy? mine def is. i mean his 30th was a simpsons theme.
Hubby and I watch Family Guy – it always makes us laugh without fail!
I can’t believe I missed this entry! ROFLMAO!
I am sooooooo Shelly! Damn. That’s horrible! LOL.
Butters loves you, Mel.