i cannot even begin to tell y’all how exhausted i am today. i’m not blamming our time change or the ten hours of uninterrupted sleep we all got last night. we had a busy weekend. actually since thursday i just feel like i have gone and gone and gone. so today, i plan on doing absolutely nothing. yep, sorry hubby. this mama is tirrrrred. i will have dinner ready and i plan on getting out of my juicy sweats by the time you come home this afternoon. egh. who am i kidding?
i am linking up with what makes savanah smile
starting from top left.
* thursday was amanda’s 28th birthday. i made five dozen cupcakes for her party at oggis. amanda is fighting liver cancer, her support network is one great group of people. we thoroughly enjoyed our time with all of them.
* brayden finally had his appointment with his plastic surgeon. said he looks amazing, not to mention both had matching faux hawks that day. super cute.
* i had a 2nd birthday cupcake/cake order (see pic below) in orange county. i decided while i was in the area i would surprise my aunt with a visit in irvine and then i stopped by my very first home in laguna hills. the mom and her daughters were out front playing, i stopped to say hello, introduced myself and said my parents were the original owners. i was totally shaking. her daughters were the ages my sister and i were when we moved. i cried when i left, i don’t really know why. maybe because that’s where my life started and now i have kids of my own. thinking about our current house and the fact that this year it will be rented out to future tenants makes me emotional since it’s my babies first home (not to mention our first home as a couple). i am one big mess. we have an offer in on a house, can we say stress-case?! praying for the next month that the first buyer drops out and we get our dream home.
* my brakes went out on my car after returning home from a quick mall trip with my girlfriends. jim changed the pads in an hour, his first time doing them. so proud of him. look at the metal…eeek! my dad is shaking his head in disappointment i just know it. they told me last june they needed to be replaced. i got my 56k miles out of those suckers!
* during the mall trip i did something trendy, which i never do. i picked up a pair of green skinny jeans and a navy sweater from gap. way out of my comfort zone and super self-conscience. are you a lover or hater of colored denim? my hubby said i looked like a crazy emo hippy 80’s kid or something to that effect. what do you think?
* lastly, the 2nd birthday hello kitty / leopard themed party i had yesterday. i love the way everything came out. i think it’s the purrrtiest cake/cupakes i have done yet! payton says she wants a princess tangled themed party. oy vey. done the frog princess but tangled? better keep working on my skills.
how was your weekend? how are you handling the time change? kids gone crazy?
go link up with savanah smiles
I really wish I could pull of the skinny jeans look! You look great in them.
I LOVE the green skinnies! You look great in them!
5 dozen cupcakes??? I don’t blame you for being tired, that’s A LOT of dang cupcakes! lol!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I’m your newest follower, as well. 🙂
Have a great week.
You look great in the green skinny jeans! I have eyed the bright blue ones myself, but I don’t know how well my fluffiness can pull it off. LOL
Brayden and Payton are such cuties!!! ^_^
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OMG the hello kitty cake!!!! SO cute! And love your skinny jeans!!
I’m a fan of the green skinnies!!! I got a pair of red ones and I felt self-conscious too. But I absolutely love them 🙂