i’m late, i’m late. . .busy morning for us this morning so i am posting late. i started the collage last night but then the rain made me super tired and we tucked in earlier than normal. i hope you all had a great weekend! our saturday was busy, busy but yesterday was chill and we took a family nap for 3+ hours. can’t complain there! here’s my weekend recap via photos.
i am linking up with what makes savanah smile
starting from top right to left.
* everyone always thinks i am crafty but my sister is way craftier. i took a pic of her dining room table but what i should’ve taken a pic of was her front door wreath. ten yards of burlap made for a gorgeous easter wreath paired with some cute pier 1 carrots. i asked her to make me one. maybe she will give us a tutorial…linds? will ya?!
* after saying i wasn’t running the hot chocolate 5k for the past week i decided saturday evening at 10 pm that i would run with my girlfriends. jim pretty much encouraged me. remember my knees hurting like hell? well, they held up, i felt great and beat my last time by almost eight minutes. more on the 5k later this week.
* on saturday jim ran his first 5k to support his friend and co-worker, JB. his daughter, ava, has pretty much beat autism, her story is amazing. team ava was represented on our local news channel. i got a text from jim saying they were going to be on the news so i ran to get the remote with frosting covered fingers just in time to hit record. payton loved seeing her dada on tv.
* birthday twinsies, niece makayla and payton playing at my youngest niece, maddie’s fifth birthday party. payton truly admires makayla. i think you can see that from this picture. i cannot believe my maddie-mo is going to be five on the 31st, the past five years have flown by.
* after last week and my post on zero pairs of jeans fitting we all went to the mall and i bought a pair that finally fit. a size down, getting me to size 8 at gap, normally i am a size 6 there so i am getting there! after trying on a blouse at nordies i did not purchase it because we were heading to the rack. after no such luck there i was just about to pass the exit for the mall and jim said to go back and buy the blouse & cardi since i deserved a new outfit. i love the colors. hard to tell in the pic. i remembered when we got home from the party to snap a pic.
* maddie is a lover of scooby doo. so for her birthday she requested a scooby cake. this was my first attempt at a bigger cake in a while. my new frosting technique has really helped me. i will share that one soon too!
how was your weekend? i cannot believe this is the last week of march. insane! did you enter my giveaway? winner is being announced today!
You look as beautiful as ever and amazing job for another 5k in the books..Xo
those decorations are so cute! I wish I had your sister’s skills!
Congrats on the faster 5K time!
8 minutes is a HUGE improvement in a 5k! Great job! I am so proud of you!
LOL! Jim was on the news!! 🙂
I love that Scooby Doo cake! Several years ago I took Wilton’s classes at Michael’s, but gave up at the fondant part!
The Easter decorations are cute! I want to see the tutorial!!