Glitters123.com | Checking In | Forward this Picture
ugh. blogging brain is in a funk. i had a long discussion with my friend yesterday about the direction of my blog. there are a lot of you who frequent my blog on a daily basis, do you speak up? no. do you even care what’s going on with my blog? or, are you just blog stalking me?! from looking at my analytics it is insane to me what my numbers are. i mean insane. there are a lot of you. i have now said this twice. so, where am i going with this? i want to meet you lurkers! i also want to know what y’all want to see on my blog to keep it interesting. do you like my recipes? do you like my crafts? do you like my baking? do you like hearing about my everyday life? do you even like this blog? well, you must since 80% of you are reoccurring readers. i have added a poll to the top left sidebar to see what will keep you interested. if you came here from a giveaway and you are disappointed that they aren’t happening like all.the.time well, then i am sorry. a few months ago i thought that it was a good decision, i thought wrong. i think a lot of bloggers learn this lesson at some point. i will do a few giveaways here and there but i don’t want to lose the original feel of my blog. make sense?!?
i also want to start accepting fellow bloggers’ buttons under my monthly blog sponsors. if you think you’re a small time blogger or a big time blogger and want to let your button shine on my sidebar then email me and we can chat!
this is where you leave me much needed feedback so i can go on merry with little birds singing around my head. okay, go!
and yes! i totally used an old school myspace glitter image on my blog. be jelly.
I read through Reader on my phone usually, but wanted to comment. π
I think your blog should be what YOU want it to be, plain and simple. I have never once wondered what my readers would like to see on my blog. It’s just a documentation of my life. I hope one day to print each year out as a book for the girls, so they can look back at their lives through mommy’s eyes, and hopefully see how much I love them.
I have been contacted to do giveaways and sponsorships and such, but I always say no. I want to keep it about my family and the daily silly things and struggles. Hopefully that’s “good enough” for my readers. π
I have no clue what a big following even is. I rarely look at my stats, but the last time I looked, I was getting 25,000 hits a month. I surely don’t get that many comments, so I am guessing people just like to follow along on the ride I am on. And that’s cool with me. π
Good luck!
I’m usually a silent blog stalker, but you should know that I have your blog in my RSS feed and check it almost daily π I don’t know how I originally found your blog, but I think it had something to do with an internet search on cleft palate and lip. Maybe I’m just nosy, but I like the everyday stuff. Crafts are good, recipes are good, but I like to hear how other moms are doing with the whole taking care of the kids/hubby/themselves, etc. thing. I’m a boutique mama too so we have that in common too. Oh yes, and I’m 10 weeks pregnant with baby #3 π
+1 to Kim
You make it about you (your favorites, your life, your family, your outings, your happiness, your sadness, your friends, your dreams, your goals, your universe). That’s what makes it special and that’s what keeps me coming back!!
your recipes and crafts are amazing, and even though i don’t do that stuff, if i’ve seen something on your blog that you’ve posted, i have the idea with me in case i ever do something that i’ve seen here. your craft ideas are awesome. i REALLY love your rants, though. i think it’s awesome that you speak your mind and admit that parenting isn’t easy lol. i’m not a parent, but i do have younger kids that i absolutely adore, so with some of the stuff you talk about, i totally know what you’re saying. i have my own blog too, but i just started it, and it’s mostly for me to speak my mind, but lately i’ve been posting photo shoots i’ve done of my cousins. i’m not a photographer (yet) but photography is definitely a passion so i like to post them on my blog, even though no one ever, ever comments lol. but i made my blog so i could post what i want. that’s what you should do with yours. do what you want. make it a whole bunch of different things. i like that you post all your personal babbles, your recipes and your crafts. you could always make a separate blog for recipes and another for crafts too, and make this one your personal blog. but, it’s your blog, so you do what you want. those were just some suggestions π i love your blog and i’m an at least weekly reader. i stalk your blog a couple times a week, but not every day cause that would make me feel creepy. by the way. your kids; A-FREAKING-DORABLE. you make some damn good looking babies.
Hi there!
I came through Amira’s blog and think we might have gone to highschool together. True blue blog stalker. Ha! I think your blog is adorable and people enjoy reading about the everyday type of things. You are honest and down to earth and I think that is what draws people in. Plus, recipes are always fun, especially if they’re easy. Horrible cook here. Look forward to your blog often. Take care.
Melissa!!! So Im totally a blog stalker because I LOVE knowing what’s going on with you and keeping up with your life but I hardly ever leave comments because I feel so bad we don’t really keep in touch anymore. I know, I’m lame. Just know that I love you and miss you and your kids are so so cute and I love everything about your blog!! π