Baby Brady-
you are four months! four months, already?! you are slowly turning into a little boy with a little personality. you are such a calm, happy baby. i always envisioned the second baby to be a terror but so far you are clam and easy going. while your sister was a better sleeper you have gone through trauma, learning to use your newly found suction and reintroducing your pacifier. you handled your surgery like a champ, and i am still in awe of how you handled everything. with the whole thing behind us now it seems so surreal because i have forgotten what your cleft looked like. all i see is a handsome baby boy who has the most infectious smile and giggle. your sleeping patterns since the surgery have gone back to normal, but you are waking up once or twice at night because you are such a gassy boy. daddy and i often die laughing so hard because of your loud tooties, we just don’t understand how it comes out of your tiny body. i guess you’re just a little boy and that’s what they do! you love your sister, you often watch her jumping, singing, acting silly and it looks like you are thinking, why can’t i do that?! in time. we introduced your jumpy on your four month birthday and you love it. as long as there is something to nom on you are happy. you love your hands, your sleep-sounds giraffe and your blanket. you still love to be swaddled partially because you love the blanket to be on your face. sometimes i have to check to see if your breathing because you smother your face with your hands and blanket so much. now that you have recovered from your surgery you love your play mat again and once we took off your no-no’s you were back at trying to roll over again and you finally could tuck your shoulder enough to where it did not hurt your nose or mouth. you are also scooting all over the floor and trying to sit up. it all seems to be going so fast because we know what to expect. i love your age right now and look forward to all the fun that is around the corner!
- 13 pounds 5.3 ounces – 27th percentile. my little peanut!
- 28 inches – 65th percentile
- size 2 diapers
- 3-6 month clothing
- talking up a storm. getting the ‘d’ sounds out, why does dada always have to be the first word. i am praying that you get mama out first. 🙂
- you are eating rice cereal now that your stitches have dissolved in your mouth. your pedi says your mouth is still really swollen inside. we also think you are teething.
- you love the swing more than anything. worried about transitioning you to your crib this month because you don’t like sleeping without movement.
- you have been eyeing your feet and finally figured out how to get to them.
- you love looking at the lights from the tv. you laid on your mat watching basketball intently a few weeks ago.
- your hair is really coming in now. it gets really greasy fast because you sweat a lot so it looks dark and like you have a mohawk but when you see it after bath time it is really light and fluffy (as your sister describes it).
for whatever reason the video uploaded with only half the sound. not like you need to hear me but i don’t know what happened!?
sister love: payton truly adores you. if you are crying she asks me to sing twinkle, twinkle. now that she has fully learned the song, she just starts to sing it if you are fussy. if she feels you need your pacifier she will bring it to you and put it in your mouth. she loves picking out your clothes and while shopping a few days ago told me what you love. when we first saw your lip without the stitches and glue she stopped, put her hand to her mouth and gasped, mommy, buddy’s lip perfect. awwweee! he’s so cute! i think it’s safe to say little boy that your sister loves you BIG! i can only hope that this will never change.
you figured out if you lean forward you can get those toes a lot easier!
Awwww he’s gorgeous! Getting so big, and his lip looks amazing!!! That video is adorable 🙂
Wow, seems like just yesterday we were visiting at the hospital..he’s getting so big so fast…we love you
M –
He is perfect. Your kids have the most stunning blue eyes. I have to stop, click on the picture to get it to enlarge and just stare at those eyes! He is super handsome.
So glad that the surgery and everything went well.