first, i need to make a statement: this is my blog! my opinions, my feelings. i share about my family and how we deal with events on a daily basis. yes, my son was born with a cleft lip. before he was born i was scared shitless. the doctors told us he would be born with a cleft lip and palate, parents worry. the feelings i expressed on my blog are honest. my son was born with only half of the original diagnosis, we feel more than blessed. so, to the snarky comments stay away. until you are in my shoes you have no idea what i am going through as a parent, or what my son is going through. i so want to call out the anonymous comments that have been left for me, but you know who are you. if you were once a friend, a complete stranger, i don’t care for you to read my blog. you must be a miserable soul.
now, that i have gotten that off my chest i can now go on to write about my son whom i have not written about besides his monthly letters because i was scared of a virtual bully.
when i was pregnant my ob/gyn had informed me that his left kidney was more dilated than the right. when he was a few weeks old we took him to the hospital to have an ultrasound of his kidneys now that he was an outside baby. dr. martinez called a few hours later and said that the left was still in fact a little larger and said radiology would be calling to schedule a vcug. we finally got the call a month later and went in last friday. i was a nervous mess! i just kept smiling at him and he would coo and smile back not knowing what small procedure he was about to endure. i know these things are so routine but it’s just sad to watch them cry out of pain.
beforehand, while we waited for the doctor he was happy as can be.
i thought he looked so cute in the oversized gown.
i had the maturity level of a fourteen-year-old, i had to snap a picture of the gonad shields, they made me giggle.
looking at his bladder filling up
we got the results right away. he does not have kidney reflux which is great news! but, his left kidney dilatation is still larger than the right. we should be hearing from his pedi on the next step. probably another ultrasound in a few months to check on it again.
my fav picture of the day. i love his eyes, just like his sisters they just speak to me. he is such a happy baby!
Yay little B!! That is great news 🙂
He is adorable! I wish you nothing but the best!! 🙂
If I could get ahold of anyone who was not nice to you…they would definitely get a piece of my mind.
And glad to hear B is doing good! He’s such a cutie patootie!
he’s one brave little fellow. and i LOVE his eyes too. you’re right, this is your blog and your honesty is what captivates people. whatever others say/think is inconsequential.
He is so beautiful, Melissa.
And for those negative people with their horrible comments – ignore, ignore, ignore! They don’t deserve a second thought.
You and your adorable family are so loved by many!
First, you are an AMAZING woman and mama! There’ll always be negativity in our lives but how we address and deal with it is what’s important. Boo to cyber bullies.
I am in awe of your little man. He is such an awesome little guy. And I’m so glad that everything went well with the procedure. I hope the next step is quick and painless for him (and you).
I think he is so adorable. I know it must be difficult to go through and I admire your strength! I just found your blog and I look forward to hearing more about little B!
Im so glad it went well. He’s a trooper! Those eyelashes get me everytime you post a pic. He is seriously gorgeous.
Cyber bullies make me sick. Wtf is wrong with people! Judgmental bastards. Im sorry you have to deal with that. Some people just plain suck.