When I saw this play felt tree on Pinterest I knew I had to make it for sweet P. I had shown it to the hubby and forgot about it until he was dropping me off at Joann’s and he so kindly reminded me that I needed to purchase the felt. Remind me again why felt is so.damn.cheap? Not only was it already half off but the bolt I picked up only had two yards left and I only wanted one so the worker said she would give me the second yard for 40% off only paying 10%. Needless to say I have enough green felt to make a felt tree every year until P turns twelve (or, if any SD friends want some let me know). Not only was this a fast DIY and when I say fast, I mean like I threw it up on the wall in a matter of ten minutes, no joke. Yeah, I could spent some nit picky time on it but it works for now and maybe the one for next year will have a little more detail put into it. P loves decorating her “ismis tree” over and over again.
Here’s what I did:
– I held the felt up to the wall where I wanted it to go, made a mark and threw it on the floor and eye-balled a triangle or something that sorta resembled one. I then made small triangular cuts to give the tree some dimension. Should’ve ironed the tree…
– Took some felt squares in various colors and cut circles, squares, ovals. The presents were done the same way and then hot glue adhered the “ribbon”.
-I used permanent glue dots to stick it to the wall, they won’t take the paint off but if it does I am not worried because this wall needs to be touched up anyhow.
– I then placed the ornaments, presents and star on the tree. I originally purchased Velcro circles to make sure they really stuck but the felt has no problem staying up.
– Introduced P to her tree and now she decorates it and un-decorates it over and over. Success.
Green Felt – Originally $4.99/yard, on sale for $2.50. – one yard for the width is needed
Felt Squares – $.39 each x 6
= Cheap
I saw this on Pinterest too 🙂 I won’t be able to get ahold of felt until after Christmas, but this is definitely on my list for next year!
That is adorable! I will totally take you up on some of that extra felt if no one else does.
you are so crafty. i need to learn from you. charlie would be all over this tree. maybe i’ll attempt to make one next year!
I will bring you the felt Amanda and Janelle, do you want me to make you one?
this is how you get yourself in trouble. you take on more than you have time for and it leads to sleep deprivation. so no thank you but i really appreciate it bc i know you would if i asked you to. but next holiday season i’d like to do crafts w/ you and figure this stuff out since the kids will be bigger.
yeah we will need to start right after James’ birthday or after our Vegas trip to get ready for all of the festivities. I will have to fib that P is three so we can fit in the Grinch, or go the week before Christmas. I am so bummed the season is almost over. xo
You are so creative. I love that she can decorate it over and over! 🙂 What are you doing for her bday?
suz- we’re taking her to seaworld during the day (wanna go?) and then my parents get home from their cruise that evening so dinner with the entire family somewhere. We’re heading up to my parents on friday to get them a tree & decorate their house as a surprise. Will be there most of Sat, taking the kids to Arrowhead to see Santa… I’ll text you…