play. learn. love.
I was first introduced to tokii on one of my mommy boards and since we just had a baby I played a few games on the newborn board. For those of you who have a baby you fully understand how your relationship can slip away. You start to go into survival mode: switching off on feeding shifts, changing a bazillion dirty diapers each day, staring at your new bundle of joy all day and if you’re lucky enough to slip away on a date night all you talk about is the baby. While there is nothing wrong with oohing and ahhing over your new bundle of joy a couple needs to bring it back to where it all began; with one another! Our lives get so busy where we forget about one another and that’s why tokii is so amazing.
My hubby and I played almost all of the newborn games but the most fun for us were, “a healthy mommy” and the “newborn and finances”. Since we have two children my hubby had gone to lay down with Payton, I was left on the couch so I visited the first game and right away you are asked if you want to play solo or invite your partner. I played the first game by myself and as I was selecting my answers I kept thinking how the hubby would answer.
One of my favorite questions was, “what post pregnancy surgery would be great for a new mom if covered by health insurance?” When I first saw this I just laughed because I talk about this all the time. The answers to choose from are:
a) tummy tuck b) breast lift c) a little…ahem! remodeling d) none of the above
I, of course was hoping for an option e) all of the above, but since that was not an option I chose a) tummy tuck because of having a c-section with my daughter and then with my second pregnancy the saggy skin is just “there”. The cool thing about tokii it tells you how other’s voted on this question, which 50% of men and women both voted equally on ‘a’ the 50% of women chose ‘d’ and the remaining men chose ‘b’.
This little glimpse of how tokii works wants me to keep exploring the other boards they offer like: lifestyle, friends & family, holidays & travel, entertainment, travel, military, parenting, environment and the ever so dreaded topic of politics! We love it and we just got started! Head on over to now to get started on this free, fun site that will help bring the communication back into your relationship!
Get started today, remember it’s free!
*this is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of tokii. all opinions are based on my own experience with the product.
What an awesome idea!!!! Thanks for sharing!!
Hmmmm. Interesting! I would love to check out some of these games with my husband!!!