I have to say that I (we) have one bad ass kid. She is not really scared of much and she will pretty much do anything. With this being said she is typically saying, “boo-boo mama, kiss, please?”This past week we had a little playdate with our friends Danielle and Amanda and their wee ones. I had just changed Payton’s diaper and as we were coming out of her brother’s room she looked back at me and hit the door jam straight on her left eye. At first, I only thought she hit her head but as the afternoon progressed her light skinned eye became noticeably black. Mother of the year here folks! All I gotta say is thank God we took our pictures before this because it’s going to take a while to completely heal. Since getting her first black eye we have been out in public numerous times and I keep getting that, “are you beating your child?”look. Some people have asked how she got it and others just say she will make one hell of an athlete. Man! The joys of having a toddler.
She seriously took it like a champ! She will make one heck of an athlete for sure!
She is just too cute.. Black eye and all 🙂 Thanks for the comment on my blog the other day.. I love reading your blog 🙂