I don’t know about y’all but I love Fall. There is just something that is carried throughout the crisp air that makes me happy. The days start to get shorter, nightfall comes sooner, we induldge in foods that warm our souls and we’re just a few months away from the holiday season. I could probably come up with 100 reasons as to why I love Fall but here are my top fifteen. How about you? What do you love about the season?
1. Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte
2. Football – I love Sunday’s, the yummy food game day brings and the lack of attention my hubby has for anything but the TV from 10 am until Sunday night football ends. I can’t say I am any different, I just don’t stand up and yell at the TV.
3. Pumpkin, Oatmeal Spice and Caramel scents that are burned from candles around my house. Right now I am loving Bath & Body Works oatmeal raisin cookie and salty caramel wall flowers that are warming my halls.
4. Paula Deen’s Taco Soup
5. Butternut squash anything with crispy sage.
6. Cool mornings and crisp evenings.
7. Apples are in season (and way reasonable) which makes for a lot of apple pies in my house.
8. Halloween and the right to say “boo” as much as possible.
9. Thanksgiving – my all-time fav holiday. I love the sides more than the turkey.
10. Unpacking all the Autumn decorations and creating my graveyard for Halloween.
11. Burnt Orange, burgundy and brown every where I turn. Which suite my house so much better.
12. Split Pea Soup – a weekly request from my hubby for dinner.
13. I love a good Pot Roast in the Fall, however, my hubby doesn’t eat red meat which means I only get to eat this when dining out which isn’t the same for a soul warming meal.
14. That I will now have a baby in the Fall making it even more special, like having P the week before Christmas it just adds some extra excitement (and stress).
15. The feeling of renewal, I know this should really come in Spring but I always feel like I am getting back on track in the Fall, the Summer months take so much out of us so it’s nice to sit back and get organized again.
and an extra:
16. Wearing knee-high boots, chunky sweaters and skinny jeans. I cannot wait for it to cool down a few more degrees because my riding boots will be out in full force! OHHH! and my Uggs. How I missed them so.
I am right there with you on so many of these, especially number one!
I loved your list! I am a huge fan of the colors, low hanging clouds and cooler evenings. And that latte fits right in!
Yep yep! Pumpkin Spice Lattes, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin sage pasta! I agree…it is a great time of year. The leaves are starting to change already. (Have you tried the salted caramel mocha at *bucks?)
Glad I stopped by. Sorry we will miss you this weekend….