Last week I went in for another 4D ultrasound and during that visit I had planned on asking Dr. Pacquiado her November schedule to have her deliver the baby. Well, when she walked in she had papers in her hand and had all ready booked my little man’s eviction date. When she handed me the papers I immediately said, “no”. You see, this entire pregnancy I have had my mind set on his birthdate being November 1st, or rather, All Saints Day. I figured since a lot of things during this pregnancy have not gone in my favor I would at least choose my son’s birthdate, isn’t that a benefit of having a repeat c-section anyway? Well, that date on that piece of paper has me down for November 2nd at 8:00 am. When I pretty much told her no, that I had wanted the first she pretty much told me that my only option is to come in on Halloween for another amnio and then I could have the first. Am I being totally unreasonable? Or, would you go with your gut and go for the birth date that you have envisioned during your entire pregnancy? I still have some time to let her know, she wanted me to discuss this with the hubby and to my dismay he agreed to go forward with it.
So, my dear readers, I am asking for a yay or nay on what you would do and opinions are welcomed.
I would do the amino and deliver the 1st. It’s only a 24 hr difference. I’m sure they have some rule that says the baby must be excatly so many weeks old to schedule a c-section and you fall out by one day. I’m sure there is margin in their date calculations so 24hrs earlier doesn’t seem like a big deal to me. Plus you will have the amino for full resassurance that baby is fully baked 🙂
Had the dr. set your date for like the 5th then I would wait because delieving too early can just bring up a whole bunch of unwanted issues, but she’s arguing with you over a whole 24 stinkin’ hrs! I would fight back.
Why do you have to do another amino in order to change the day by ONE day? I’m confused. I say you get what you want. Seriously. One day? If this is the day YOU have envisioned…and like you said…is one of the benefits of having a repeat C-Section…I say you go with your gut and push for the first. YOU are the patient, and you are HER customer…don’t let her forget that. If it were more than a few days and it there was more medical reasoning behind it…it might be a different story. Go with the November 1st!!
I’m confused, why the amnio? What changes in a day?
the reason behind the amnio is because I will not technically be 39 weeks until the 3rd. For whatever reason they only scheduled c-sections at the 39 week mark. The need for the amnio, even though only one day prior is make sure the lungs are mature enough. I would get it if it was 37 or 38 weeks but really, what’s a day or two?
I know hospitals here in CO will not let you schedule a c-section or induction any earlier than 39 weeks unless its absolutely necessary, but still what difference does 2 days really make? I think that making you go through another amnio for 2 days early is a little harsh. After all, you could go into labor on your own before then and they wouldn’t stop it. So if the 1st is the date you want then I do think you should push for it. Personally, I’m getting a little annoyed with being told I can’t have the things I want when it comes to pregnancy and delivery. We’ve been fighting to be able to deliver at the hospital 2 miles way versus the one 20 miles away, and even though I know its a losing battle, at least I am trying to get what I want. I wanted to deliver at a different hospital with Madyson, asked about it but didn’t push it, and now I wish we had insisted on it because of our awful hospital experience with her at Zion. I think we expectant moms should have more say about the whole process than we do. Good luck!
Deliver on the first – end of story. You have wanted it this entire pregnancy and like you said, having the chance to do a scheduled c-section makes it automatic for you to choose his birthday. Go for the first – whatever you need to do to make it happen…DO IT! ^_^