Being a part of BlogHer was like a tornado spinning around my brain. There was so much to take in, so many great women to talk to, the panels were insanely informative and I had enough swag thrown at me that my house is now trashed with great products. Never did I imagine a conference where I would participate in a flash mob known as operation glory, those women are amazing and it’s even more amazing that I got out there and attempted (key word, attempted) to shake to Gaga’s “on the edge of glory”. I met so many great women, yet I spent 90% of my time hanging with women I have known for roughly five years. We all shared these moments together and honestly it has brought us closer. A week ago the blogging community seemed so small to me, there were nights where I thought to myself why should I even hit publish, but seeing all 3,000+ women in one condensed area and having readers come up to me gives me the reason to hit publish. We are all in it for one reason and it is to share our stories through written word. I could go on and on about what I learned and give you a daily play-by-play, but I just ask that you trust me and know that it was one experience I will never forget. An experience that has opened my eyes to letting me know that I am special, I have a purpose and there is nothing wrong with being “just” a mommy blogger.
Thursday night @ the People’s Party
t-mobile booth silliness.
I think I like myself with a mustache, no?
The amazing women of Operation Glory.
I learned that I would be a crappy Febreeze sales woman. See for yourself.
@ the Hershey booth, the day before I lost my camera
I loved the Pfizer booth, the arrangements were gorgeous and not to mention the amount of Chapstick and Advil I received.
Looking at Bob Harper before I got in line to meet him. I did have a picture with him, but of course someone else now has it now instead.
Gulianna Rancic was at the Trop 50 booth, she is so gorgeous in person and just as skinny.
The swag scattered, which sadly it isn’t even all of it. I have duplicates on my kitchen counter, a full bag of papers, cards, etc. Swag post to come later…
In the retail me not money booth where I won a total of $44 cash over two days.
Taking a limo from the Melting Pot to the Hard Rock for the Style Suite party where I got a feather extension, met some more amazing women and took home enough baby powder to go through three more children.
and ending the conference at the CheeseburgHER party at the Marriott. Who says a night of McD’s cheeseburgers, paper bag hats and silly pictures wouldn’t top off the whole three-day extravaganza?
Other highlights from the weekend include (because I cannot visually share with you):
1. meeting Mario Lopez at the most awkward party ever. Softcup and UV Vodka should have never sponsored a party where mostly men were. I keep asking myself how I ended up at a BlogHer party where there were five bloggers, about sixty douche bags and a dozen cougars.
2. Laughing at the pedi cab drivers and seeing two ex-employees on the streets of the Gaslamp.
3. Going to Queerosphere, where we waited to watch a drag queen show but left when the desserts made me gag.
4. Going to an undisclosed cocktail party where we weren’t acknowledged, even though there were only seven people. I guess pregnant women at a poolside cocktail party is a no-no. So we decided to play tourists instead.
5. Taking a picture with Elmo and Cookie Monster.
6. Getting eyelashes at the Skinny Cow booth, how they coincide I have no idea.
7. Passing one of my fav bloggers in the hotel lobby, amazing.
8. Learning from Natalie that jumping from a moving cab is okay when wearing cute pink Tory Burch flats, and applying lipstick to lips and eyes will enhance any woman’s “tired” look.
9. Started a twitter account, feel so old. Now, I am addicted and understand why people have one (so follow me @melly_atkinson)
Thank you to everyone who made my weekend a success. I came, I saw, I went and successfully lost a camera.
Love all of these pics! Looks like you had an awesome time. And yes — you totally pull off the mustache!! <3
Very fun I hope to meet you next year 🙂 the peoples party photo opp was cool only wish there wasn’t a line. i’ll be sure to follow you on twitter 🙂