One day while walking through Stater Brothers in Lake Arrowhead Papa grabbed a bag of cutesy animal cookies for his consumption, of course. There was a whiny toddler sitting in the basket and a mama who was about to blow a gasket so the mama opened up the bag of sweet smelling circus animals. She gave the teary eyed toddler a cookie and she replied, “what’s this?” The mama replied, “a cookie” and then described the now decapitated animal as a bear, the toddler said, “roar!”. The toddler would keep noming on cookies and would keep asking “what’s this”. The mama, the Papa and toddler made it out of the store with a half eaten bag of cookies. When they arrived at the Grandparents house the toddler would run to the snack nook, point and say “ko͝ok, mama?” This on-going repetitive addictiveness lasted until the bag was all gone.
The mama and toddler headed home from the mountains and stopped at Target for some unneeded stuff. The toddler saw a huge canister of animal ko͝oks and kept saying “dis, dis”. The mama caved once again.
The next morning the mama couldn’t find the toddler, but heard a whispering “ko͝ok, mama, ko͝ok?”coming from the pantry. The toddler managed to pry open the pantry doors just enough to squeeze her wee self through. The mama came over and said, “what are you doing?” The toddler replied again, cocked her head to the side and gave the mama a sweet, yet not so innocent look and said, “ko͝ok, mama, ko͝ok, bowl?”
The 52 ounce tub still sits with a remaining quarter of multi-colored animals which are slowly diminishing each day as the toddler asks for more ko͝oks. The mama has kindly asked the daddy to eat as many as he can until he feels sick just so she doesn’t have to go looking for the toddler in the pantry before breakfast has even been served. The frenemey, the sweet little bears and giraffes who are spotted so generously with multi-colored non-pereils and the sweet little toddler who knows just how to work her mama.
The End.
ko͝ok mama, ko͝ok?
These cookies are my arch-frenemy these days. You may be asking, first, how is a cute animal cookie a frenemy and two, they’re just a cookie. Well, let me tell you a story. . .
so cute! reading this totally made my day 🙂