The past three days have been ahhh-mazing, BlogHer was one of the most empowering events I have ever attended. Being in one area with over 3,700 women is just mind boggling; it was scary (at first) but honestly I just had to keep telling myself that we’re all there for the same purpose and once I let that go, I had a great time. Each day had a ton to offer and trying to take in everything the event had to offer left me extremely exhausted by the time lunch rolled around. As much as I needed a nap to rest my preggo self I knew I couldn’t, my bones ached, my feet have scabs and today just twelve hours after the event I feel like a veggie. I could have slept all day but instead I sorted through all of my swag, which is now scattered everywhere because I don’t know what to do with all of it. I also spent a large portion of my morning tweeting and tweeting with the hopes that someone would have turned in my camera. I think I left it at the Hershey’s suite but it could have also been snatched in my afternoon sessions. Who knows. I am so bummed I cannot visually share with you the silly moments I had or how hard it was to get a picture with Mario Lopez. There were so many cute pictures on my card and I truly wish whoever has it would just e-mail me and send me the SD card, I don’t care about the camera. I am going to breakdown each day but for now, I just wanted you to know that I am home and so happy that I made the decision to attend. BlogHer post to continue…
Glad you had a good time! =)
Mrs. C
I want to spread the word to see if anyone saw it… send me a description of the camera (model, color, etc) and I’ll email around till I find out who was running the Hershey’s booth.
Aside from the sad loss of your camera I had a BLAST with you! So thankful to have friends to hang with and enjoy a good time.
I feel about the same exhausted although i had time to relax before flying back to the fam. I am really bummed out for you can’t believe no one has turned in your camera. Hope who ever has it finds it in their heart to return it somehow.