The time is flying by, like seriously?! It is crazy to me that I am over halfway done and that in less than 17 weeks I will be a mama to two babies. I believe that the time is flying by because we haven’t been in our house so I cannot obsess about little things like not starting on a nursery or the fact that we have barely anything for this second child. I look at purchasing items but then place things back because we are starting to look like we are hoarding in a hotel room. ha ha. Not really. For good news on this 22nd week our plumbing has been finished and the drywall is being repaired today, ceilings patched and the entire house is being re-textured and painted. We are waiting on a bid to have our back door and windows taken out to be replaced with a slider, which excites me very much. We are moving out of the hotel this Saturday, after we drop Daddy off at the airport for his week long business trip in New Orleans Miss P and I are headed off to Grandma and Papa’s for a two-week getaway. At the end of that stay we will hopefully (fingers, toes & legs crossed) be moving back in after four months away from our house. yippee! Then the real fun begins! We have a lot of work to do with the front and back of our house since our water has been turned off for almost two months. We are also planning a mega garage sale to hopefully make some money for new baby stuff. One step at a time, right? Back to the baby, poor second child getting robbed already.
I had my 22-week appointment this morning and everything is measuring and sounding perfectly. We got our preliminary amnio results last week and they came back 100% so this rules out any possibility of downs, trisomy 13 or 18 and spina bifida. We should have the full chromosome report by the 12th when I see a different doctor for a 4D ultrasound to look only at his face to see what we’re dealing with. Then from there it’s just normal doctor visits, I have one visit left with my midwife and then there all with Dr. Ching, who I love and will ultimately be the one who will deliver this baby boy of mine. We will know his birthday once the schedules come out in September, I am praying she is working on 11/1/11 because that is the date I want. Even though this past week I have been having a gut feeling he will be coming around 37 weeks so we will see…On another happy note I am no longer working. I was placed on disability last Monday by my employer who did not agree with Dr. Ching’s orders of five hour max work days so this mama is free and can finally enjoy this pregnancy and stop STRESSING out. It is really exciting knowing that I do not need to worry about working until the first of the year. Okay, I am done, I leave you with the silly weekly questionnaire:
- How many Weeks: 22 weeks 2 days
- Weight Gain: 10 pounds.
- How big is baby?: the size of a spaghetti squash, just over a pound!
- Maternity clothes?: yep and I am one comfy mama!
- Stretch marks?: a few that have revisited from Payton.
- Sleep?: I wake up a lot but that is because I am being kicked in the head, stomach and back by a certain 18-month-old.
- Movement?: a ton! he is moving more than his sister and hurting more. he is one active bean!
- Food cravings?: no. I have less of an appetite this time around, thank you little man!
- Labor signs?: pre-term contractions have placed me on disability.
- Belly button in or out?: just chillin’ like a crater.
- What I miss: a good cold margie on a hot summers day!
- What I’m looking forward to: my 4D to check his little face out.
- Milestone: over the halfway mark! woo-hoo!
- Big Sister: loving on her baby doll. she is obsessed with babies and is so gentle with them. Cannot wait to see her with her brother.
You lLook incredibly beautiful! It’s so nice being able to enjoy the rest of your pregnancy and relax!