While ketchup sounds amazing right now on some In & Out fries I think you might enjoy knowing what we’ve been doing so here’s a catch up vs. some ketchup. While P and I stayed at my parents for two weeks we were out and about on some days but mostly we spent our days relaxing in the mountains. I forgot what it was like living “away” from everything and I think I struggled more so. I truly did enjoy being home and I cannot thank my parents enough for taking us in. ha! Despite a little mountain fever we did leave the mountains a few times and headed down below for a trip to Seaworld, the Zoo, and even a few trips further up to Big Bear. My Mom and I spent one Saturday catching up on the Real Housewives of New York, I think we managed to squeeze in all but one episode of the season which was amazing! We started at 1 PM while P was napping and finished right around midnight. Needless to say I had to bribe P with chocolate that day in order for Mommy to have some quality television time. I’m a great mom, huh? We both came down with a cold back-to-back which I knew was coming considering she slept on top of me for two weeks straight. I would try moving her towards the middle of the bed but she would flop right back onto me. Maybe (my) Grandma was sleeping on her side of the bed? I am not sure but I am super thankful those nights are over because waking up every five minutes thinking my Grandma was hovering over me, P laying on me and the doggie snuggled closely to my legs made for some interesting maneuvering to make sure my preggo ass didn’t fall off the bed. Any who, the two weeks sped on by, we are back in our house after a near four months away and attempting to adjust to life in our OWN home. It is totally odd, we still have a long road ahead of us to get it back to where it was but honestly I don’t mind. I think going without all of our things has made both us realize how lucky we are to have one another and everything that has been given to us. Now it’s time to get organized and figure out life before our newest addition arrives. Thank you to everyone who has given us well wishes and thoughts over the past four months! We truly needed the strength and ya know what? We made it, weird, I know!!
ketchup anyone?!
watching her cousin, Ethan, fishing for his first time with Papa in Big Bear. The girls had an afternoon out so we drove by where they were fishing to say hi!
A few days later I took P down to Seaworld so we could hopefully see Daddy now that he was home from New Orleans and San Antonio. He and Papa were spending the weekend painting our newly textured walls. We saw him for a whole hour. 🙁 The little boy in blue was a bully, hitting other kids and trying to push them over like a linebacker.
blurry of P, she was super sick, snot running down her face and everything. I purchased her, Rosita, which are the color inspirations for her Sesame Street inspired 2nd Birthday party.
we went and touched the sea stars, which she could not get enough of. She would’ve jumped in if she could have.
and right before we left we stopped by the gate since the Shamu show was minutes away from starting and we saw one killer whale and them Shamu coming over to take some pictures. It was perfect!!
time on Grandma and Papa’s deck. Checking out what Delilah was barking at.
zoo time with cousins and Grandma.
her new fav thing is elephants.
the day we got home we put a bag of toys down and she took out her “Tails” book from the zoo and spent some time just chillin’ out in her room. I think it’s safe to say she missed it.
She laid down on Daddy’s lap while he was painting and wouldn’t leave his side. She was cracking herself up.
Love her.
So glad you are back “HOME” !!! Xo
OMG! P looks so much like you, it is incredible! So pretty!!