This morning we went down to the hospital for our scheduled amnio. We waited about 45 minutes before they ever called my name which is frustrating enough when you have a full bladder. Once they pulled us back they did another ultrasound, just like they did last week to reevaluate his little body. Everything looked great, his face is still down and in position so they had to do some digging to get some good pictures of his face. After the ultrasound the doctor came in and she said she wanted to do a 3D because it now looks like his palate is involved. insert sad face. Nobody really seemed to know how to use their new ultrasound machine so the doctor ordered that we make an appointment to come up to her office to do a 4D to see his face. At that time if they cannot get a good read on the lip they will send us to UCSD for further ultrasounds. Today it looked like his tear comes from the lip all the way past the nose, but his legs and hands kept flying around not to mention the placenta that he was lying on was in the way. After three hours of pressing on my flabby tummy they prepped me with iodine, I covered my sweaty face with my velour tracksuit (barely breathing, I tell you!) they said to keep breathing evenly to make sure the baby didn’t hit the needle and then it was in. Let me tell you, that having a needle inserted through your stomach into to your abdomen is the most odd feeling ever! It felt like forever as they collected three vials of amniotic fluid but then they pulled the needle out, which burned like a mother and we were done. My stomach instantly felt like I was having severe menstrual cramps and as if heartburn was traveling from my naval to my throat. Needless to say, it’s over and now I am spending the day in bed. We will have preliminary results in two days and a full report in 10-14 days. Fingers crossed for nothing else to pop up!
I am going to keep doing these posts to help me write through it. I cannot thank you all enough for your comments. While it is hard to put yourself in my position or any mother’s who has to go through this, at the end of the day is truly just is a cosmetic surgery. There will be bad days especially if his palate is involved, but as many of you have said, he will still be my special baby.
a quick glimpse from today’s u/s. His hand is always resting on his head. He must always hear his sister and he is thinking, “Oy Vey”.
Praying for you and your sweet boy!
Sending lots of prayers and positive thoughts your way, Melissa. He looks great in the new ultrasound! ^_^
im in love with your little guy already melissa; praying for your beautiful family! hope this strengthens you.
For You formed my inward parts;You covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works,And that my soul knows very well. Psalm 139:13-14
Oh Melissa… no one wants to hear that their baby isn’t going to be physically perfect. That is totally normal. And it is normal to be really really sad about it.
You are an incredible mother, and think of what a strong and beautiful little guy he is. He has to be born with a strength that few have to go through surgeries and such.
He is lucky to have all three of you. Very lucky.