minutes after learning we were expecting baby #2 I went into panic mode about all of the baby things we will either need to replace and/or upgrade. Of course, I knew I would have to wait to learn the sex of the baby before I started tossing out all of Payton’s cutesy pink items, which with our luck we are having a boy so a garage sale and craigslist will be my new best friends as I attempt to sell her baby items in order to purchase gender friendly items for our dear baby boy. I cannot place him in a pink swing, now can I? I have tossed the idea around of just covering the swing with a new fabric but then there is the girly netting and butterflies that hang from above, what would you do? Our biggest purchase will be our double stroller. It makes me sad letting go of our current jogger because I absolutely love it. Whenever anyone uses it they always rave about how well the turning radius is, how easy it is push, how it fits everywhere and it always fits all the crap we need underneath in the storage bin. We currently have the Baby Trend Expedition, which we purchased solely on the fact that we did not want to purchase a car seat separately and it was the only jogging set sold at BRU. Again, we love this one and all it has to offer I am just not in love with their double jogger. Below are the strollers that I am debating between right now. Each has a pro and con which will be listed underneath, I have not “test drove” any yet. I would love some suggestions if you either currently own one of these strollers so I can formulate a better opinion before I go to the stores to see which one suits me best. I need to start savings my pennies because each of these cost a pretty one.
Baby Jogger City Mini. Both top and bottom pictures are the same. One is a 2010 model and the other a 2011.
Pro: The shade goes down really far, love that! I never liked how short mine currently is. Light and compact.
Con: Technically six wheels. Can you really jog with this stroller?
Tike Tech:
Pro: My current fav. I love having three wheels, it seems more like a true jogger and I enjoy the fact that the bar is already there, I would just need to purchase the snack pouches.
Con: Purchasing snack and cup holders.
Bumbleride Indie Twin: Both top and bottom are the same just deciding which color.
Pro: compatible with our carseat, sleek and love the color choices
Con: Not in love with having to purchase all the accessories: snack tray, bar and cup holders.
I have ruled out the BOB. Not a fan and everyone and their mama has one.
Suggestions, comments and straight up opinions are much appreciated!
Are you really a runner or are you just looking for an all-terrain stroller for strolling?
If you are a serious runner, I would have you reconsider your options because none of the strollers you have listed are jogging strollers. Most of the manufacturer’s websites probably have disclaimers on the website that state these are not to be used for jogging. If you are looking simply for something with all-terrain capability I like the Tyke Tech the best.
If you are a serious runner, definitely consider the BOB again. As a serious runner, who has owned 6 (yes, 6!) different strollers, the BOB is by far the best on the market and blew my second favorite out of the water. It really is the best jogging stroller on the market and is made specifically for joggers.
We recently sold our BOB because we will have 3 under 3 in July and there is no way I will be jogging alone with three kids. It’s not possible. We sold ours on Craigslist and I miss it on a daily basis. 🙁
I’m a mama to twins and own the bumbleride indie twin. I love this stroller, it is easy to get out and POP up and easy to navigate. I’m very happy with our decision to buy this strolled.
I’m in the same market as you, searching for a double!
I’m leaning more towards the ones that are singles that can convert to doubles (Mutsy, Phil & Ted’s, Babyjogger) so I can get rid of my current stroller and just have one. But out of your options, just know that I LOVE my Bumbleride (its all-terrain and not technically a jogger, but I have used it as one and it does fine!)and have heard nothing but great things about the double!
I have the single baby jogger, city mini and LOVES it!!!! However, it isn’t a jogging stroller. You can go with the baby jogger Summit, which is a double jogger, i’m looking at that right now too as i’m due next week and need to get ours QUICK!! It’s between that one and the baby jogger city select, which isn’t a jogger but isn’t side by side either….I LOVE baby jogger the brand though, the ease of closing and just a great stroller.
Most of my mama friends with two have the city mini and LOVE it! No downside 🙂 I would have loved to have the BOB since I like to run but have resorted to just running sans kids. I love my Phil & Ted side by side but still am drooling over a BOB. Who cares if everyone has one? 😉
I absolutely LOVE my Indie Twin! I’ve owned a LOT of strollers in my time, including trying out quite a few doubles. I’ll never own another one. The drive itself sold me – it pushes so much more easily than ANYTHING else. It’s so comfy for my kids! Hayden is almost 5 and still loves it! That says something right there! The storage basket is unreal, it does pretty well as a jogger as long as the front wheels are locked, it’s the most narrow double (or at least it was when I was researching before), the canopies are huge, the seats recline fully, the seat backs are tall, which means my kids can still use it… there are so many pros! It’s really easy to get up and down! I highly recommend!