Today we decided to snip a few of Payton’s baby hairs to even out her bangs that were Eddie Munster status and her party in the back. Ha! No really, the back of her hair was growing really long on the sides but the middle was way shorter so we headed to Pigtails & Crewcuts down in Point Loma for her first haircut. The in-laws arrived today so it was the perfect time for them to be involved with a “first” since they live 3,000 miles away. I was super impressed with the salon and it brought me back to my fav salon as a kid and young adult, Haircuts for Kids, in Murrieta. I love salons that cater to kids because you need to capture their attention and Payton loved being in an airplane! She looked in the mirror and watched “My Little Mermaid” as her first locks were trimmed. ::tears:: After a few animal crackers and a fly through the “sky” we were on our way! After her milestone we went to Corvette Diner, it was a fun experience and I loved my Elvis shake! What a great Saturday!! Hope y’all are having a good one and enjoy the big game tomorrow!
A last look at her baby hair.
Flying through the “sky”. She is so proud of herself.
The all done look! So cute! They actually layered it a bit in the back so she has a cute ‘lil bob.
I love it! My MIL, husband, and my own Mom keep nagging me to get Danika’s hair cut for the first time, but I REFUSE! LOL. But now seeing Payton looking so cute with her spiffy new ‘do, I am reconsidering. ^_~
Hi there!
I saw that you are the lucky winner of the Stella & Dot necklace I was giving away on Little Miss Momma’s blog. I’m so excited to send it out to you! (Okay, and a little sad I can’t keep it for myself. 😉
Also, our girls are the same age! I love it. My little Sookie is having the same hair issues; her bangs are in her eyes all the time and in the mornings she has Justin Beiber hair, it is quite scary. I know she needs a little trim but I’m avoiding it. Thanks for the motivation. Payton’s looks so adorable, I love it!
Have a fabulous weekend!