My early mornings, late evenings and every free moment these days have been spent researching and purchasing items for my Etsy store. My Mother and I have been going back and forth about listing her gorgeously knitted blankets for a while now. She has been knitting blankets for our family, my expecting friends and just for her pure enjoyment. So why not sell them? Our store will also include handmade hair accessories, hair bow holders and pettiskirts by me!
So my lovely readers, what do you typically purchase from Etsy?
If any of y’all know of someone who designs super cute logo’s please let me know. We are looking to have this designed as well as business cards and tags for our skirts/blankets.
Have a great weekend!
i know someone for you! She’s fabulous, her name is Molly. She lives up here in murrieta, here’s her blog and you can contact her from there:
Fun! I have decopauged a little…what are you working on?
And…I love buying prints from etsy. You could also make baby bracelets for your shop. I have one but haven’t listed anything in a while because I’ve been too busy. How Does She has a tutorial. I’ve been making them since Bree was a baby. I get all my beads from They have free shipping with no minimum purchase. Good luck!