yep! With that being said our little ten-month-old is a walkin’! She has been testing the waters for a little over a month and randomly last week she decided to let go and made ten steps on her own. I thought it might be a fluke, but she kept doing it and now she just goes. She is practically running at some points which scares the ba-jeebus outta me. Today as we got home from running errands she was sitting by the front door and crawled into the family room and then stood up and ran half-way out our back door. Oy vey! All this mama could do is sit back, remember her baby’s non-mobile days, pray and then shed some tears. It’s astonishing how fast she is growing up. In 46 short days my baby will be one step closer to being a toddler.
The video isn’t amazing, but I wanted to show y’all a little of what she was up to this evening.
payton walking from melissa on Vimeo.
OMG! She’s fast! Goooooo P!
Aah how cute is she!?
Its definitely sad when they start walking because that means they aren’t such little babies anymore, but at the same time it’s just so fun! She looks so cute!