I dreamt about this post last night. I cannot conclude if I am constantly living with a bloggers mentality or if I just need to seek help. ha! Our lives in the Atkinson household were somewhat on a routine:
6:30 – 7:45 AM: Payton would wake up
9:30 – 11:30 AM : Down for a morning nap
2:00 – 4:00 PM : Afternoon nap
7:00 PM : Dinner, bath time, nighttime bottle
8:00 PM : In crib fast asleep
But lately, since she has been teething she has not slept through the night, waking up not once but sometimes three or four times. I know Jim and I were totally spoiled early on from six weeks that she was sleeping 12+ hours a night. Little Miss will scream in her sleep, fall back asleep, scream and then wake-up in the middle of the night. Usually it is solved by me giving her a bottle, changing her diaper and then she flips over to her tummy and she is out. Even our nighttime routine that once was easiest time of day is now a chore to get her to fall asleep by 9 PM. ugh. I just feel helpless! We have tried Tylenol (target brand, don’t worry), Highland’s teething tablets, baby orajel, teething rings and a frozen washcloth. What else can a mama do to help a restless baby that is constantly in pain.
And. . . to top it all off P is battling really bad diaper rash. I am calling her Pediatrician today to make an appointment because like her teethers, we have tried everything for that too. Please don’t get me wrong, I know this is a part of parenting but when your child is crying, screaming, kicking and then looking at you for help and all you can do is cry with them it takes a toll on your mental health. But, things aren’t always this bad, she is still a happy baby when the drugs actually help her it just seems that 3 of the 7 days are crazy. Like yesterday for instance, my sister and I took the kiddos to the zoo. It was a great day, perfect San Diego temperature of 70 with overcast skies, lunch, lots of beautiful animals and the excitement that the kids had. But once the nighttime routine begins, oy ve! Just give me a shot of whisky to get me through to when the sun comes up again.
see happy! She loves her cousins, they were standing with my sister making monkey sounds.
I hope they continue to be close their whole lives.
Whatcha Doin!?
(in Isabella’s voice from Phineas and Ferb)
Then at home hanging out under her jumperoo heading straight for the curtains.
you poor thing.. i can only imagine how difficult it is to soothe a screaming baby in the middle of the night – night after night… i hope it gets better for you.
but until then – she is just the cutest little girl i have ever seen 🙂 [now if only she would continue to be that happy throughout the night!]
i hope the dr can help you today!
Your blog is too cute! I found your blog through the Little Posh Bebe giveaway… My daughter Taylor is almost 10 months and she is teething (2 more she has 4 now)….when will it end 🙂 Hope your daughter’s teeth come in fast!!!!
1. I love your blog….
2. What kind of diapers do you use?
3. Molly got her first two teeth at 4 months and it was rough…and now she’s trying to cut her top 4 teeth… I depend on Tylenol way too much but I think if it makes her feel better then it’s worth it!!
Good Luck!
I feel your pain, Ava no longer sleeps through the night and it’s not even because she is teething. She just wants to sleep with us. I love the picture of you and P together 🙂
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