I knew when I got pregnant that I would cook Payton’s baby food. During the summer last year my Mom, Dad and Grandma purchased the book, “Cooking for Baby”. For my first shower they all purchased the Beaba “Babycook” all-in-one food maker. When Payton got to eat her first foods, I bought organic Gerber only to test out what she would like. She is so her Daddy’s daughter because she has loved everything we have given her thus far. Last week I decided to dive right into making her first foods in batches to have on hand in the freezer. I have to tell you that this machine is amazing! Not only can you steam and puree the food but it also reheats the food to the correct temperature for baby.
The first foods are simple, so there isn’t much to the recipes except for fresh organic veggies that are steamed, pureed and perfectly frozen in perfect portions. During months 7-8 is when the combinations and first meats come in. Cannot wait!
Which one would you rather eat? Fresh or jarred?
Oh, I’m so glad you liked this product! I’ve read mixed reviews. I’m going to make R’s food, too. I don’t enjoy cooking that much- but I am actually looking forward to making baby food!
I’m planning to make Sam’s food too. I can hardly wait!
How amazing are you! I am impressed!
Well, I can see why there are mixed reviews. You can totally do without the machine and just use a pot and use a normal food processor but it makes it so you don’t have a TON of food. Especially in the beginning when they don’t eat that much of it. I almost broke the lid on the first use. I just stared at my sister praying that I didn’t break it. Now having used it many times I really enjoy it.