Dear Payton-
Today you are a half of a year old, I cannot believe how fast this year is flying by! I know I say this each month but with each passing day you grow and learn something new. This past month has been so exciting watching you learn and explore as you scoot, discover your toys, your hair accessories (which almost gave me a heart attack when you discovered this) and how you “talk”. You amaze me and I could literally sit and watch you play all day. Your newest thing is rolling all over the living room, on a few occasions you have almost ended up outside, you have bonked your head a few times on the heater and found a passion for mommy’s shoes. Daddy may be in trouble if you have a shoe fetish, but this is okay with me, as long as we’re the same shoe size! You are starting to cuddle, which Daddy and I love to death! I love when I am home to see you wake-up because it puts in the best mood for rest of the day. You have been solid foods now for a few months and you haven’t rejected anything which is great! You have eaten: Sweet potatoes, yams (I think these are your fav), butternut squash, sweet peas, carrots, zucchini, avocado (another fav) and peaches. You usually devour everything and are starting to grab for your spoon! You are officially feeding yourself with your bottle which we also love. We missed your six-month wellness check today because you were really fussy from your stubborn teethers that don’t seem to want to cut through which has in return made you very crabby and your in a lot of pain. Mama gave you some Tylenol and you went down for a two hour nap, which I joined in on and we overslept! I feel like a bad mommy, but we will have to weigh you this weekend to see how much you weigh, my guess is eighteen pounds. To mark your half year birthday we are purchasing your big girl car seat since you don’t have any more room left in your carrier. You are so grown-up my sweet baby girl! Let the birthday planning begin!
Pay, we love you and thank God everyday for bringing you into our lives.
Awww! She’s growing so fast! Post more crawling pics!!! Too cute!
Shes is so dang cute!! Oh and I LOVE the new blog design, Its fabulous!