The third text message was of this face, which I immediately melted and wished I was laying in bed with my lovies.
Luckily, work sped on by and I had a few minutes before heading to church so I got to see my big girl scooting around before she went to bed. She must have known I missed her because she decided to wake up at 1:30 AM which she never does so we moved her into our bed. She kept moving all night and woke up again around 4:30 AM. Of course she had to do this on Mommy’s day, but I had to get up early anyway to head to spin class at 8:15 so it all worked out. When I got home from the gym, I got to talk to my in-laws in New Jersey and they gushed about Payton’s card to Grandma, because naturally it was so stinkin‘ cute. After the phone call Jim gave me my present from the baby and pup, it was a hand mixer, which I really needed since my beaters broke on my old one and then he gave me his present. I opened the card, which was the first serious card he has ever given me in ten years! I think I will keep this one forever. I started to rip the flower wrapping paper and it was a Nikon camera bag. Upon opening, he told me not to get really excited because this gift came with a contingency. What!? A contingency on Mother’s Day, only my hubby would do this! The deal is, if I stick to our newly stated budget, I will be able to afford my DSLR by July. Cool. Thanks. I was happy, but a little sad, so I kept that to myself and stayed positive. We were running a little late so I told him I was going to hop in the shower really quick and we would leave by 10:45 for my sister’s. He yells to me to grab a new towel because while bathing P she spit up on my other towel. I walked down the hall to our linen closet and opened up to reach for a towel and to my surprise in my towels place was another gorgeously wrapped gift. I laughed and said, “you’re silly”. I sat down on the couch and in it was the last “I want” gift; a Nikon D5000 DSLR. I was like a giddy child on Christmas morning. What did I do to deserve such a wonderful and caring husband? He did everything yesterday to ensure I was able to relax! Even at my sister’s house, he fixed their wireless and put up the vinyl decals I bought for my nieces new rooms. Why did the weekend have to go so fast!? ugh. It was a fabulous weekend and I truly hope that my mommy friends enjoyed their weekend as much as I did. I also hope that my Mommy had a great day on their first full day of travels from California to North Carolina. I missed you Mom!
weekend recap
I hope everyone had a great Mother’s Day! Our weekend went super fast as always, with me working on Saturday and then immediately heading to church afterwards Saturday was done before it even started. As I was driving to work on Saturday I got three text messages within twenty minutes of leaving. The first was Jim telling me that Pay rolled over again two times in a row, which is still super exciting to us because she does it randomly and I have never seen it. First sad moment of the day. Then I get another text with this picture of Payton holding her bottle. Second sad moment.
On another note, I believe Pay is coming down with her first cold. She is congested and not sleeping very well. Could this be from teething? Or, just a little cold?
what an amazing first mother’s day surprise! i’m glad you had a great one! i hope payton is feeling better!
Wow, that really was sweet of him. Way jealous, I’ve been jonesing for a DSLR for years…it’s the first thing I’m buying once I’m not a grad student.
What a great mother’s day gift!!! I hope Payton feels better, but I’m sure it could be from teething
Yay! SO happy you had a great Mother’s Day! I’m also stoked you got a DSLR….maybe you can teach me how to use mine! Can’t wait to for more pics of P!