Dear Payton-
Today you are five months. I am more in love with you today then I was the first time I saw you my gorgeous baby girl. Each day gets easier and you are learning and growing with each passing day. You love to giggle and squirm as we tickle you and blow behind your ears. You spend a good chunk of the day bouncing in your jumparoo and playing on your activity mat. You have mastered rolling from back to stomach but still get caught up going the opposite direction. You also love your doggy, Delilah. On some occasions you have managed to grab a hold of her tongue and pull it straight out of her mouth. You also love latching onto her long crooked tail, pulling it and giggling as Delilah just watches you. You two are best friends! You also decided to find your “voice” three weeks ago at 4 o’clock in the morning. You just lay in your crib talking to yourself while Daddy and I listened knowing this newfound voice was only going to get louder. Which, indeed it has! Today, on your fifth month you have mastered your lovely screeches! They just make us giggle, because in public people think your crying but your just carrying on a grand ‘ole conversation with your toucan or banana! We also started you on solids this month. We gave you rice cereal to start and you now eat carrots, squash, sweet potatoes and this week we moved onto sweet peas, which you love! You are definitely your Daddy’s daughter. Mommy is going to start making your food next week! You are almost a non-supported sitter; you last a few minutes but then take a dive forward or sideways. We still have yet to see a tooth, you are drooling, biting and have the worst runny nose. We hope to see one soon! We also have to thank you for breaking your twelve-hour sleeping habits to waking up multiple times a night. Mommy and Daddy aren’t used to waking up early because you have been a great sleeper since birth, we beg you, please go back to your old sleeping habits. PLEASE! You do however let us know when you’re ready for a nap by rubbing your eyes. You have completely outgrown all your 3-6 month clothing and are the length of your nine-month clothing, slow down! We aren’t going to get any use out of all your adorable 6-9 month summer clothing at this rate. We love watching you grow, and every night after you go to bed Daddy and I always say how lucky we are to have you in our lives.
We love you baby girl!
Mommy & Daddy
Awwww! She’s so pretty! And growing so fast! I love these letters you write to her! =)