We hope that everyone had a great Easter Sunday. We had a very relaxing day! I got up early and started prepping all the side dishes for dinner and Jim did some gardening / clean-up with my Dad while we waited for my sister to arrive. When my sister arrived we had her three kiddos start their egg hunt and a few minutes later the 7.2 earthquake hit. It was a rolling earthquake, the kind I like. I am one of those weirdos that is amazed by earthquakes and rarely freaks out. I wasn’t indoors, rather standing underneath our patio cover and that creaked a little but you could really hear my crappy single-paned 1959 windows rattling. Jim was taken by surprise, not a native Californian, my Jersey boy still gets a little freaked by them. He said he was more worried about the baby, but luckily he had just taken her out of her crib moments prior to the quake. No damage was done to our house, but I am sure we will discover a few more cracks in the ceilings in a few days. Despite the earthquake, we had a gorgeous San Diego day, mildly windy, mid 70’s and were surrounded by family. We truly hope that you had a great Easter and somewhere in the midst of egg hunts, Easter ham, and handfuls of chocolate that you remembered the true message and meaning of Easter.
My fav pic of the day. I love my baby’s eyes. . .
Payton this morning with her basket complete with: 2 sleepers (one houndstooth print that I dying to put on her) a leap frog bear, baby legs a baby Einstein video)
Daddy and Pay
The baskets I made for my nieces, nephew and Payton. Calla Lilly’s from my parents.
She literally dove into her basket grabbing for her bear.
Then Delilah wanted in on the action and Payton wanted to grab her.
The cupcakes I made.
Our little family. Payton was not too happy at this moment as you can see.
Ethan and Makayla playing outside a little while after the quake.
Maddie showing off all the eggs she found.
My sister, Lindsay, helping Maddie find eggs.
My little 15-week-old baby girl rolled over six times in a row tonight. I only saw her do it twice, but it made my night. I screamed with happiness and then the waterworks began that I have to leave her tomorrow when I return to work. Please keep me in your thoughts tomorrow, I need all the strength I can get.
loved the pics! cory loved the earthquake….oddly, its the longest one he’s felt since relocating from Chicago about 8 years ago! ha! cute cupcakes, too!!! and i will def keep you in my thoughts tomorrow! hope the day goes by fast for you!
First of all, GOOD LUCK with returning to work. I cannot even imagine how that’s going to be. I’m sure you will do fine, even though it’s going to be tough 🙁
Second, all of the pictures are adorable! Payton is too darn sweet!! It looks like you had a beautiful Easter! (minus the earthquake)!!
First time reader. Love your blog. Good luck with work, even though you will cry and it is such a great heartache, it will get better. Hopefully you have co-workers that will help you get through this rough transition. Hang in there 🙂
I love all your cupcakes…I wish you lived in MO so I could order them all the time! Craziness about the earthquake…hope all is okay..seems to be. Good luck with going back to work. I hate it everytime I leave her with my mom. But luckily, she is just minutes away and I have a 2 hour plan period…so I see her in the middle of day most days. Let us know how work is going…your daughter is too cute!! She’s getting so big!
I’m so glad you guys had a great Easter! Love the photos. It was definitely a picture perfect day =)