We have reached your fourth month. With each passing month I recall the day I met you and wonder where you had been my whole life. You are a dream baby, literally. I know each mother brags about their child but everyone who meets you or hears about how good you are tells us how lucky we are and wonders when we will give you a sibling. We know we are blessed to have a child who is happy 95% of the time, sleeps 8-12 hours a night, is calm, content and overall loves everything you encounter. This includes your big sister, Delilah, who gives you countless kisses in your mouth, grooming and licks. But, you show her who’s boss by pulling her fur and tracking her every moment. I cannot wait for the day when you tell her “no! duh-wri–wah“. For now, we will settle for the countless copying coos that you give us and giggles that come deep from your belly. Day’s where you sleep and sleep I cannot wait for you to wake-up because you are hilarious and such a joy to be around and truthfully I am bored without you. You also have a new found love for your hands, anything that your hands can reach will soothe you for a while; including our fingers which seem to bring you to dreamland on fussy days. You had been eyeing your toes for almost a month and with each day you became more flexible, finally getting those little piggies into your mouth. I love observing your determination on working those little babies into your mouth, you crack me up every time. Your head is pretty stable now so you finally got to go into your jumperoo this past weekend. You love it. Over the past month you have started teething, there is no sign of your first tooth but your gums are becoming more white. I seem to think it will pop through right around next month, we’ll see if I am right. As usual with each passing month you get to experience more and more and you are growing like a weed. Here is what else has happened this past month:
– The most major event was that you finally got to meet your Grandmom Julie from New Jersey. Her and Tony came out on Grandma Barr’s birthday and stayed until after you were baptized on your 4-month birthday (4/18). While they were here we took you to downtown Disney to show them another part of SoCal.
– You and I were baptized together. Your God Parents are Travis and Suzanne.
– You celebrated your first Easter and first major earthquake.
-Mommy went back to work and naturally we all survived.
– You rolled over six times on Easter night.
– Sleeping exclusively in your crib unless Mommy misses you and steals you from your crib.
– Not a fan of your swing any longer.
Four-Month Stats:
15 pounds 1.9 ounces (90th percentile)
25 inches long (90th percentile)
head circumference 42
Dr. Martinez says you’re the size of a six to seven-month-old. She has instructed us to begin you on rice cereal because you are not getting enough with just formula. We are going through 1 1/2 cans per week. Once you get used to the cereal she said to start you on yellow and orange veggies. yay! Daddy and I cannot wait. We will be trying this for the first time tonight.
We love you peanut. Thank you for being our perfect angel.
she is just precious!! and getting so big! I think we have the same jumperoo, Kayla loves it!
So I’m going to babay showers soon…you’re a 1st time mom and baby P always looks so happy and cute I want your feedback about baby shower gifts… http://amandainlawschool.blogspot.com/2010/04/question-for-new-mommas.html