This week we are celebrating your two month mark. It’s hard to believe that you are already two months, where is the time slipping away to? Before we know it you will be crawling and I will be returning back to work. You have had a very exciting month! Your personality is really starting to show, though you are still our content little girl you sure love to talk to us, kicking your legs and pumping your arms as fast as you can as you follow us around the room. Speaking of pumping your arms, I have to apologize, I was not present to protect my sweet baby from your New Jersey relatives but while you were visiting Uncle Al, Grandpa Sven and Grandma Toni they taught you how to fist pump, I am deeply sorry, but you loved it and kept going with it. Daddy thought it was funny and added in his “untz, untz, untz” sounds to your pumping arms. I told them that you were a California girl and they shouldn’t try and corrupt you this early, luckily, you will not remember this. You are sleeping through the night and we cannot thank you enough for this. You will typically go to sleep around 11 pm and will sleep until 6 am. I know you should be going to sleep a little earlier but you tend to take later naps so we have to wake you up at 11 to feed you and then we go to sleep as a family. You are still sleeping in our bed but this will be coming to an end as soon as we are comfortable knowing that you will not suffocate yourself as you love to sleep on your tummy. You are lifting your head nicely and you are getting your crawling moves down. When we visited Dr. Martinez for your wellness visit she said that you’re a very strong baby in between all the oohh’s and ahh’s she gave me. She thinks you are a gorgeous baby and honestly everyone that sees you cannot get over have pretty you are. Daddy now understands why other Daddy’s own guns. It has been a great month watching you grow, we have gotten a little routine down and we are feeling more like a family.
- At your wellness visit you weighed 10 pounds 15 ounces – 75th percentile and you were 23 inches long 90th percentile.
- You received your first round of shots. You were fine for about six hours and then you were cranky. The following day you were awake for about three hours total for the day (thank you, we finally got to start cleaning out the office).
- You are still drinking 4 ounces but sometimes you want 6 ounces.
- You have discovered your right hand, we’ll see if you start sucking your thumb but for now you suck on your entire hand.
We cannot stop gushing over you. You have brightened our lives and strengthened our marriage. We love you Pay-Pay.
Mommy and Daddy
She really is a beautiful baby!
I’m quite interested in those stripey leg warmers (they are leg warmers, right?) – do tell where you got them!
I actually got the “baby leg” knock-offs at Target. The normal ones sell for $10-$15 each but I got mine on clearance for $2.50. Target has a bunch in the sock/tights area for infants.
I was just going to ask about the leg warmers! Cute! Glad to see Payton is doing well! Such a cutie!