This has hit us too close to home. Chelsea King has been missing since February 25th, her parents contacted officials when she did not come home after going on a run at RB Community Park which is less than five miles from our house and where Jim often plays basketball on the weekends. Since the news break on Thursday evening I have been sick to my stomach, what is wrong with people!? I pray that Chelsea will return home SAFE to her family, our community has come together stronger than ever, please pass this on.
Hi Melissa, I am one of your blog stalkers! I just wanted to say hi. I live in RB and I have been sick to my stomach since Friday when I learned about Chelsea King. I get chills driving around town and seeing the fliers everywhere. It is a really unsettling feeling when you live right here where it happened. I can’t imagine what her poor parents are going through. I hope they find her soon.