I cannot believe you have been here for one month already. Time is surely flying by and you are growing like a weed. When you first came home from the hospital we headed out to take you to meet your Great-Grandma and the next day at your day four doctors visit you had gone from 8 pounds to 6 pounds 14 ounces. We were instructed by Dr. Martinez to start supplementing with formula to start packing on the ounces because you were obviously not getting enough breastmilk from me. I had a really hard time dealing with this news; I had already felt like a failure with not being able to have a natural delivery and not being able to watch you enter this world but to have to deal with not being able to provide enough food for you really sent me into a whirlwind of depression. Luckily, we were surrounded by family as we spent your first Christmas up at Grandma and Papa’s house. There you got to meet your cousins for the first time and Ethan couldn’t get over how “cute” you were and kept talking to you in baby talk while rubbing your cheek. I cannot wait until you can interact with them because before you were born I considered them my pseudo children. We could only stay up in Running Springs until Sunday because we had to get you home for a two-week check-up on your weight on Monday morning and by then you had reached 7 pounds 5 ounces. The week of New Year’s the three of us just lounged around the house and got accustomed to being a family and rang in the New Year while laying in bed. Daddy had to head back to work on the fourth of January after having almost three weeks off, you and I were on our own for the first time. On the 5th we headed back to the doctor’s to check your weight again and by then you had finally reached your birthweight plus an ounce. At your appointment I discussed with Dr. Martinez how much you are consuming. If I feed you off my breast for fifteen minutes on each side you are instantly whiny wanting more food, while I am still not producing enough milk you will continue to eat two additional ounces of formula or in the case of just drinking formula you can consume up to four ounces at one feeding. You are also rolling around and “talking” above your age and at day twelve while laying in bed you completely rolled over. You had Daddy and I scared to death and we just looked at each other and said, “we’re in trouble”.
Our dear Pay, can you please act your age? In time you will roll over, lift your head and hold your own bottle but you need to relax my dear baby girl. You already have the patience of your proud mama and beaming Papa.
This month has sped on by and since then this is what you have accomplished:
- Have visited the mall four times. I know this is silly, but on Day three (our first day home) we hit the mall to finish our Christmas shopping.
- Met your Great-Grandmother where she called you “her precious baby” and told me that “you do look like me”. We visited her three times in your first month.
- Had a White Christmas
- Sleeping for roughly three to four hours (five hours on occassion) at a time at night, we thank you for this.
- Rolled over on day twelve. Hasn’t happened since, but hey, we did watch you do it.
- Gave Mommy two real smiles on 1/12/10 at 11:11 AM. The first time I screamed and couldn’t believe it, but then you did it again. This truly made my day and made my heart melt yet again.
- We had your adorable newborn pictures taken on day eleven. Tessa said you are the longest newborn baby she has ever photographed.
- Went to your first “bump” get together.
- Smiled at Daddy on 1/16.
She is so darling Melissa.
Hey, don’t feel too guilty about the formula. IT happens. I couldn’t breast feed either of my babes. And although I was bummed… they were able to gain weight and are as healthy as can be. Plus, Spence helped with the feedings during the night… which some nights saved me.
She is a lucky little thing to have you two.
Such a cutie! Happy 1 month, Payton!