Dear Payton,
Thursday, December 17th Daddy and I went to my routine thirty-nine week appointment. Betty measured me at 3-½ cm but she was overly concerned because my blood pressure was still high and I was still having consistent headaches. She decided to send us down to Zion to have my non-stress done and to have lab work done. She didn’t make any promises, but she sent us down there in hope that I would progress to 4 cm and they would admit me.
Oh my gosh. I am bawling reading this. I am so sorry for what you went through, but admire your strength! Congrats on Payton. She is gorgeous, just like her mommy.
Congratulations! xoxo
She is gorgeous! I’m so so so sorry that happened to you though. I can’t even imagine. Wishing you a quick recovery. Enjoy the newborn days, they go by too fast…..
Oh, sweetie, I am SO sorry that you had to go through all this. I can’t even begin to imagine. How wonderful that you have a silver lining to it all though – your beautiful baby girl! She is absolutely gorgeous. You have such a wonderful family!!!!
OMG! That made me cry! I am SO glad you and Payton are okay and both made it out alive! (I’m being dramatic, but man….what an experience for you guys!!!). I can’t wait to see both of you!!! She’s perfect!!!
Wow, your birth story is just a little (or a LOT) more eventful than mine…I can’t even imagine having to go through all that! Glad that everything turned out well and your baby is gorgeous!
But I just wanted to let you know that I delivered at Kaiser Zion too and we had major issues with the nurses, communication, and basically just how we were handled there too (it was mostly in the Recovery part, we must have gotten lucky with the L&D nurses because they were all awesome and everything was okay with that, but once we moved to Recovery it was a nightmare). I think I spent most of the almost exactly 48 hours they kept us there crying because I just wanted to go home and I hated being there. We wrote a complaint too, but I’m sure nothing came of it. Needless to say we switched our insurance and will never be dealing with Kaiser again.