I go in tomorrow for my 16 week appointment and I cannot wait! This last week has been so exciting! Besides growing like crazy I finally realized that gassy feeling I thought I was experiencing last week was my Lil cupcake moving around letting me know “she” is doing well in my tummy. The moment I knew for sure it was the baby nudging me was on Sunday as Jim and I were driving home from the grocery store and I had three little taps on the left side. I turned to Jim and couldn’t stop laughing and smiling! It was the most amazing moment so far! The feeling just makes everything more real and I cannot wait to see “her” tomorrow. Less than a month from now we will learn if our cupcake will be a ballerina or a point guard! I will post pictures tomorrow!!!
16 Weeks
Current Cravings: Still Dr. Pepper! I cut out caffeine over two weeks ago but I am craving the taste of the Pepper. Still anything salty, not sweets so much. I am craving pizza right now, but not any pizza, it needs to be interesting!
I am super itchy, not just on my tummy but all over. I keep lathering myself and even had to break out my Aveeno anti-itch cream last night so I could finally sleep.
I am super emotional. I can cry over anything!
I am repulsed when I see myself in the mirror or in pictures. Hence, why I am convinced it’s a girl. People keep saying you look amazing, yada, yada, yada! Until your carrying a baby or have you’ll never know what it feels like to be “ugly” everyday.
Cellulite scares me. I’m serious! I’ve never really had a great deal of it but the sight of my legs growing really depresses me. I want to go back three months and have the energy to have worked out. Moving forward– I am working out. Before I order my pizza I promise I will do some arm exercises.
Hope you enjoyed my rant. Look forward to more as I continue to grow. 😉
Good luck with the cravings! I have no clue as to what you might be having… ummmm maybe a boy? Only because when I was pregnant with Hudson I had major cravings, Reagan not so much.
There is my vote… boy. (I already voted off to the side.