Last week we celebrated Jim’s and my Father’s birthdays by having an intimate “dude ranch” themed party at our house. My father-in-law and mother-in-law were also in town from New Jersey so it was a great get together for our family and friends. The highlight of our weekend long celebration was attending Monday night football. As many of you know, Jim and I are die hard football fans and spending the day before his actual birthday with my parents and Al and Kathy at the game was literally the icing on the cake. This game came with a much needed win from the Chargers over the NY Jets. I must admit that it was fantastic to see Brett Favre, I have been very fortunate to attend the games with some of my favorite QB’s. I cannot wait for preseason ’09 when I make the trip to watch my newly adopted team, the Dallas Cowboys at training camp. I can only hope that HBO’s “Hardknocks” picks the Chargers for next year’s season. On Jim’s actual birthday, September 23rd, we both had to work during the day but in the evening I took him downtown and we walked the streets and had a nice intimate dinner. It was nice to finally spend some alone time with Jim relaxing and remembering the past eight years of birthdays that we have been spent together. We are both looking forward to the big 3-0 next September and all of the festivities that will come along with this milestone age. My Momma and I at her first Charger’s Game!
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